Girl I know died.=[


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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A girl I know killed herself the other day. She took her dads insulin on sunday night and they turned off the life support machine in the early hours of this morning.
It's so strange. She was my mums' friends' grandaughter and she only lived about 5 miles up the road. I wasn't great friends with her or anything, but she rode, and we used to see her round the shows etc, plus she got my bus all the time...and she was the best friend of a good friend of mine..a really popular's so weird, one day you're saying hey to each other as per usual the next day she's dead :shock:

It's so weird
oh no :( thats really sad.

i dont know why, but alot of young people seem to be taking there lives lately. or maby its that it is publicised more now.

i dont understand why someone would want to do something like that, especaially at a young age.

I can belive how weird it would feel. Ive never experienced it!

:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hugs to you hun. It is very strange when someone you know dies - particularly when you are young. In the past 9 years me & OH have lost 8 people - 3 suicides, 2 car accidents, 2 drugs related and 1 to cancer. It is always strange trying to reconcile the fact that one day someone is there and the next...they are gone. It brings home our own mortallity.
:hug: :hug: :hug: Even if you never knew the person well it shakes you up a bit. I'm 20 and have had at least 2people I knew fairly well die in car accidents (both of which I will point out were not wearing seatbelts!) and one suicide. I am a florist and have had to deal with all of their parents and how upset they are and it is horrible. Especially being the same age as the ones as you, you feel like you might upset them more.
:( :( It's soo sad when someone with alot of life in front of them takes their own life.
Hope you are okay hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
:( :hug: I'm really sorry hun. A friend of mine got murdered last year he was only 17 at the time, its hard to know they were there one day and not the next. I hope you're ok and her family too :hug:
Thats so sad :( :hug: Its such a shame she felt like that was her only option.
thats really sad. how must her parents feel :cry:

hope ur ok zebrastripes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just recently a good friend of mine from school died of liver failure! He was a great lad and only 26!
Not long before than, a lad a few years younger than me died walking along the motorway while drunk after a night out! Such a shame and waste of a life! I cant understand how someone can get that drunk?
But our srea has been quite a mornful place to live just recently!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The girls school by my Moms has had 4 girls commit suicide in the last couple of years. According to the papers none of them showed signs of problems, its a shame they feel they cant talk to someone :(

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