Gifts for OH when LO is born..??


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I was thinking about buying my OH something, as a little momento/ gift thingy for when LO is born..
Like a watch, and some engraving on the back?

Or.. book up a tatoo for him (he wants one with baby's name on it)

OR... I don't know.

Any suggestions... Is anyone else doing this? Or am I just being a silly soppy fool???

i've got a babygrow with embroidery that says 'i love my daddy' on it, packed into my hospital bag. OH doesn't know. but that's as much of a present as he's getting - after all, i'm gonna be the one doing all the work - it should be me getting the presents!! :shakehead:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I keep saying I'd like to take my OH to London Ink for a tattoo of Isaac's name but never get round to it. I think its a great idea :)
yes its a lovelly idea, i got a card designed from moonpig website saying thanks for our little girl, etc tec

and i got a tattoo voucher as he wasnts her initials or name tattooed oon him.

think your oh will be pleased youve even thought about him x
I didn't get OH anything but it's a nice idea. Not sure about the tattoo though, he might change his mind but think he has to go ahead with it because you want him to? If that makes sense?

Maybe get a photo frame to keep the first picture of him & the baby together in? You could get one engraved.
maybebaby said:
I didn't get OH anything but it's a nice idea. Not sure about the tattoo though, he might change his mind but think he has to go ahead with it because you want him to? If that makes sense?

Maybe get a photo frame to keep the first picture of him & the baby together in? You could get one engraved.

He already has tattoo's.. so he will prob get one anyone.
BUT.. I'm liking that idea of engraving the photo frame. Could get that done and packed in my bag "My Dad and Me" or something...

Will keep finking
psssfffff I'd have thought the baby would have been enough of a present for him... :shakehead: :rotfl: :rotfl: Plus DH cried when Serena was born and hes never appreciated anything else I've given him as much :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've got an I Love My Daddy mouse mat from Mothercare - it has a space for a photo so I'll put the 30 week scan one in to begin with. I've also got I Love My Daddy pajamas and a lovely story book called Me and My Dad. I need to wrap them as they are currently hidden under the bed!

LO is due in April so I'm hoping to get one of Urchin's finger print keyrings for father's day.
I'm thinking of making a little tag-style scrapbook with the scan pics in and pics of all the DIY DH has done for bubs and pics of things in the nursery etc that we've bought.

I'll also be putting some journalling in about all the funny things he's done like singing to the bump and little things we've laughed about that we'll probably forget in a few years. Maybe put a page in on name discussions we've had etc.

I'm planning on doing this is the 2 week wait before baby comes when I've given up work so if he/she's early DH's scrapbook gets scrapped :lol:
its my OHs birthday the day after my due date......the only present hes getting is a baby :lol:
Hadnt thought about getting OH a present, Ive told him I want one though for carrying our child for 9 months :lol: A nice ring will do
im getting my hubby a few things for when baby is here
he wants a dad ring so il get him one
a caravan model kit that he wants
plus some i love daddy stuff and any other nick nacs that i see out and about
manda xx
I am expecting him to be thinking what to get me :D
A tatoo sounds nice though if u r getting him something.

marie x

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