Getting worried


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Maddison is 15 months old and not saying any words yet. She says ta randomly when I give her something but otherwise just talks gibberish. I always say the names of things she is playing with and always talk to her so I dont know why she isnt picking anything up :? Also, she isnt walking yet either. She walks happily with her walker or holding onto our fingers but hasnt attempted her first steps alone.
She seems to be quite behind compared to other kids her age, should I be worried?
Hi :wave: Some kids take a bit longer than others hun. If you are worried though I would give your Health Visitor a ring - just to put your mind at rest if nothing else. She will soon catch up x x x x

Kim x x x x
I wouldnt worry to much hunnie ive had kids at my nursery who have been quite at 2 then at 3 you cant shut the up :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: as mentioned if you are still worried talk to your HV :hug:
Hiya hun

I also worry about this sometimes. Charlotte is bright and understands things but apart from saying ma, mu, dadadadad ga gu etc she doesn't say any proper words. I don't think it means they are slow as they tell me at nursery how clever Charlotte is but you cant help worrying can you when others say more and some a lot more. You aren't alone and i am sure in a few months we will be wishing they would shut up now and again!!!

:hug: :hug:
im sure she'll start toddling off and talking when shes ready hun, theres no rush! :D
Dont worry, i worried myself sick with stephen and i felt ill and was constantly comparing him to other kids.

She will do it when shes ready, Imogens older and only started to walk on her own yesterday, she has her baby gibberish but will say mum, dad, cat, dog, stalker (the kitten) nan. Ohh and drink.

Not a huge amount but a little, but dont worry though, maddison may just being lazy like imms has been.
Well after all my worrying Maddison decided to wave to Daddy and say bye bye :D She also gave me a cuddle earlier and said mama so she is obviously starting to pick stuff up so going to stop worrying and let her do things as and when she feels like it. Thanks girls :hug:
Avie only says a few things too Jools, Her fav being NOOO NOOO NOOOO :lol:
Hi i work in a nursery with babies from 6wks to 18 month and have for 7 yrsa so seen many babies, i wouldnt be worried they are all different and i wouldnt say many of them really say many words at that age and as for walkin when she gets more confident then she wil start in her own time and then the fun will start ! dont worry x
saffydreamer said:
Avie only says a few things too Jools, Her fav being NOOO NOOO NOOOO :lol:

I honestly thought 'no' would be Maddisons first word :lol:

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