Getting to know..


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i thought it would be cool to do a lil quiz

First Name: Sarah
Location: Colchester
Age: 20
D.O.B: 11.08.87
How many children: 1
Name: Braydon Andrew
Married single etc: engaged
plans for future: Get married and have more kids, hopefully get a career :D
First Name: Eve
Location: Bromsgrove
Age: 25
How many children: 1
Name: Clark Alexander
Married single etc: Engaged
Plans for future: Buy a bigger house and have more babies
First Name: Sarah
Location: Liverpool
Age: 20
D.O.B: 25.02.88
How many children: Pregnant with my first
Married single etc: Been iving together for a year
Plans for future: Have more kids later on in life.... and get married... even later! :D
First Name: Amy
Location: Newport, Shrops
Age: 23
D.O.B: 05.09.84
How many children: one gorgeous daughter!
Married single etc: Engaged married in less than 2 months - eeek!!
Plans for future: Buy a house, get settled into my new career and have another babyyyy and more pets of corse they dont call my house a zoo for no reason. lol :rotfl:
First Name: Jenna
Location: Sheffield
Age: 18
D.O.B: 17.05.89
How many children: 0
Married single etc: Married :D
plans for future: Making loads of money & kids
First Name: Sarah
Location: Hampshire
Age: 28
D.O.B: 19.12.79
How many children: 1
Married single etc: Married
plans for future: get this baby out, lose weight!!
Can i join in too? lol

First Name: Craig
Location: Glasgow
Age: 20
D.O.B: 03.10.87
How many children: 0 yet (1 on the way)
Name: Bump? lol
Married single etc: Single
Plans for future: Dont really have any plans for relationship/family side of things anymore, but would like to concentrate on starting my own business and see where that leads me i guess...
First Name: Kelly
Location: Grimsby
Age: 25
D.O.B: 19.11.82
How many children: 2
Name: Brooke-Ella & Olivia-Grace
Married single etc: Married
plans for future: TTC hopefully next year and then go back to work
First Name: Jodie
Location: Kent
Age: 20
D.O.B: 06.07.87
How many children: 1 due in august
Name: bubba, babybump,
Married single etc: Long term relationship 6 years
plans for future: raise my family the best i can, become a vetrinary nurse
First Name: Stacey
Location: Australia
Age: 22
D.O.B: 27.02.86
How many children: TTC!
Married single etc: living together 3 yrs
plans for future: have babies, buy a house, get married, finish my degree!

:D :D
First Name: Melanie
Location: Budapest
Age: 26
D.O.B: 31.07.81
How many children: 1
Name: Thea Louise
Married single etc: engaged
plans for future: Finish my counselling degree and get into working with teens who self harm.
First Name: Sarah
Location: Oxford
Age: 29
D.O.B: 26.02
How many children: 3
Name: beth, Tom, Sam
Married single etc: married
plans for future: Complete my nursing course, have baby number 4, buy an old fashioned cottage & be very very happy :D
I'll go for this :)

First Name: Sherry

Location: Somerset - half way up a hill

Age: 37

D.O.B: October 1970

How many children: First due May 9 2008

Name: Keeping names secret till LO is here

Married single etc: Married to Daniel (Madmax here) since January 2007, together since 2002

Plans for future: Enjoy bringing up our child, hopefully have another sooner rather than later, maybe emigrate to New Zealand in a few years as hubby loves it there. I've stopped working and have no plans to return to my career of nannying anytime soon. I've cared for over 30 children over the years in various familes and want to focus on my own now. If I do return to work it'll just be something to potter around with a few hours a week or I'll work from home for hubby.
First Name: Jennifer

Location: Bradford ( :shock: :doh:)

Age: 27

D.O.B: 10th Nov 80

How many children: 1

Name: Oran Lucas

Married single etc: Engaged since 2002 (Getting Married Sept 2009) been together since 2000

plans for future: Get the wedding out of the way - have a year or to of quiet time with the family then skint myself again and have another baby (still talking OH in to this one pmsl) - move to north yorkshire and eventually emigrate somewhere but out of this bloody country!
First Name: Charley
Location: London
Age: 21
How many children: expecting my first but have two step children
Name: Ellie the bump and Laraigh and Morgan
Married single etc: in relationship
plans for future: Get married and have more kids, hopefully get a career
First Name: Claire
Location: Lowestoft
Age: 23
D.O.B: 26/09/84
How many children: 1 and 1 on the way
Name: Jack Ryan and unknown lol
Married single etc: Married
plans for future: Move somewhere nicer
Good idea Sarah!

First Name: Sam
Location: Sunny (pah!) Southend
Age: 24
D.O.B: feb'84
How many children: 1
Name: Alice
Married single etc: engaged (only for the past how many years!!!!)
plans for future: MORE BABIES!!! andfor all my babies to grow up happy
first name: Rosanna (rosie)
location: london
D.O.B: 26th july
how many children: 0 ttc #1
married single etc: together for 3 years living together for 2 and a half
plans for future: get pregnant, finish college and get job with BA/virgin atlantic, get pregnant and get pregnant again.

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