Getting overexcited again!

woohoo! due date!! I didnt get my sweep but Im off to see the consultant this morning and Im hoping to get one then. Although to be honest Im not feeling 100% today so Id rather not go into labour right now!
Hope you get/got your sweep Tiny! And Happy due date!! :yay:
Eee Happy Due date!!! :pray: for a sweep for you today!
You have to pop today coz i predicted you wouldn't go past your due date.

And melio, why are you sill pregnant!! You disapoint me lady :lol: xx
Haha...Sorry toon. Ive just made one comfy little womb for her. She'll be out tomorrow I swear :D
I got my sweep, well, she tried. My cervix is still closed and not soft. I wanted to throw pineapples at her when she said that. Sorry toon, looks like youre losing your touch!
lol!! so annoying tiny. she could've tried to soften it for you! some how lmao. you know my MWs didnt give me a sweep until i was ten days over my due date!! so mean lmao. xxx
10 days?! If i had to wait that long Id be offering to pay random strangers to give me a sweep by that stage!!!! :rofl: Im getting another sweep saturday, Ill be 40 + 4 then.
thanks hun. Im overusing the evening primrose oil at the mo, hoping to be told my cervix is soft by saturday! Gonna have a pineapple later too! :lol:

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