Getting married Abroad


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2006
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i have decided i would like to get married abroad however my oh parents have said that can not afford it so i offered to pay a part of it and they still said no. As oh dad has own business and he wont shut the shop for 2 weeks or dont wanna pay for a holiday as they never been abroad properly before.
Oh wants to keep me happy and do what i want to do as i think if they really dont want to make the efford to be there i dont care., we thinking about mar 09,. so plenty time to save. But oh really wants them there as looks like his whole family are sticking together and it be only my family.

So am i right in just going abroad and doing it or should i say i will change MY big day to suit others?

:( :shakehead:
maybe just you two could go and then have a big family wedding party when you get back? That's kind of what I did, but our parents weren't too upset about missing it.
It's your big day, so I say do whatever will make you both happy.
Do it how you want hun, im guessing you only want to do it the once so go for what will make you happy. Its you and your other halfs big day no one elses! :hug:
Ive a simular response from my oh's mum & dad....

We told them we were getting married in cyprus and they came back with "Cyprus!! What will we do with the dog?!"

I was gutted we not going to let it spoil our big day, its their choice if they wanna come or not!!
I think you should do it how you want to! You don't want to have any regrets about your big day!
I would do what you and your OH want to do, if you decide to get married abroad then the famillies have got 2 years to make arrangements for work, pets etc!!!!!! also depending where you decide they might not need to go for 2 weeks.

A girl I used to work with got married in Mexico and all she did was told people the date, which hotel they were in and left it up to the individuals if they came or not, they threw a big party when they got home and she wore her wedding dress again!

It's yours and your OH day and there's no way you can please everyone
mum2be? said:

i have decided i would like to get married abroad however my oh parents have said that can not afford it so i offered to pay a part of it and they still said no. As oh dad has own business and he wont shut the shop for 2 weeks or dont wanna pay for a holiday as they never been abroad properly before.
Oh wants to keep me happy and do what i want to do as i think if they really dont want to make the efford to be there i dont care., we thinking about mar 09,. so plenty time to save. But oh really wants them there as looks like his whole family are sticking together and it be only my family.

So am i right in just going abroad and doing it or should i say i will change MY big day to suit others?

:( :shakehead:

why do you want to get married abraod? whats wrong with getting married here then going on holiday?

my friend got married abroard 4 years ago and no one could afford to go and then she came back and had a party here just to get pressies and stuff. :x pissed us all off a little.
Id say its your day and you and your OH should do what will make you happy. If family really want to be there well then they have two years to save and make arrangments i think thats fair enough!
do what YOU want hun - its your big day not theirs - if they dont want to come, its their loss!!!

you could maybe throw a party when you get back????

this is something me and DF are talking about, but with my mum and dad divorced and mum remarried i dont think it is fair to ask them all to come - so we were thinking of taking a friend each or someone close to us and then throwing a big party when we get back (although not getting married yet lol)

budge said:
why do you want to get married abraod? whats wrong with getting married here then going on holiday?

my friend got married abroard 4 years ago and no one could afford to go and then she came back and had a party here just to get pressies and stuff. :x p*ssed us all off a little.

I reson i dont wanna do it here is because my oh is not religious so we cant do it in a church, i dont want a registry office & the option is a monnor house or something but we have such a big family it would cost be £15000 at least, mannor house im looking at £30000. and i am not willing to pay that even if i had it which i dont.
Abroad i can get away with people who i want there & it cost me £8000 max.

We will be throwing a party for anyne who can not make it, and it wont be for pressent but for other to feel they had shared out special day with us as they could not be with us abroad.
From my own wedding i would say i couldn't of cared a less who was there and wasn't once i was saying my vows it was about me and it your way.
Hi ..I got married last year in was absolutely fabulous..wouldnt have done it any other way! .. If they think anything of you both..they would be there.. its not expensive at all to get married there.. cost us in total for 2 weeks there and the wedding package about 2 grand.. and it was perfect! All of my hubbys family where there... however the only people who came from my family where my mum and dad.. my brother and sister didnt go.. at the time I was gutted.. but then I thought.. sod em' .. its their loss! And they did miss out.. cos it was fab! We didnt have a party when we got back.. because we didnt want any fuss..hence why we went away to get married.. and as for presents ..we told everyone that went not to get us any.. as them makin the effort to be there on our big day was enough! At the end of all that... just do what you wanna do... and sod the rest of em'!
mum2b do you realise you can get married anywhere you like in the uk?
when i was planning mine i debated whether or not to get married at clumber park. The registrar will come out to anywhere and marry you you know! Even if you want to get married in a zoo or a pig sty. :lol:
I got married in Gibraltar with just me and dh. We had my sister and brother in law for witnesses cos they lived there and it was the pefect day! We didn't tell anyone apart from my mum we were doing it and she fully supported our decision. We didn't tell dh's mum or family because they would have tried to take over the whole thing and would have been upset if we said we didn't want them to come but they do nothing but argue and don't get on with my family. So off we went had an amazing time and told them when we got home. They were annoyed but it was OUR day and no one elses and we were happy so that was that. I wouldn't have changed my plans for our day for anyone!

You do what you both want hun, it's your big day and you only get it once!

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