Getting fedup now :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Well I'm now 5 days overdue :( Been having pains on and off for a couple of weeks and a sweep last Sunday when the midwife said I was 2 cm and ready to go.... since then I have just been bleeding mucusy blood and lots of pressure down below plus a few tighenings but it has all stopped..... :(

I havent even got a midwife appointment booked as they laughed when I asked should I book one as she thought the baby would be here.....

The phone rings constantly with people asking if I have had him yet!! As if I would forget to tell them.... DH is getting "bored" of the whole thing apparently and to be honest I feel as if he is no longer interested when I am in pain or if I have a bad back etc.....

Just seem to be a really moaning person and I hate it :( I am also scared as when I first found out I was pregnant they said they wouldnt let me go over because of my age but then they down graded me and since then they havent mentioned anything again but I am still 42!!! However good my pregnancy has been surely my placenta will suffer the same problems that they first spoke about.....????

Anyway pity party over - off to locate a stick of dynomite :D

Jane x
Sorry for you, love :hug:

You moan all you like. I know that I'm gonna be putting in some A Grade whinging if/when I go overdue :)
Starting to know how you feel - reached my due date today. Got a midwife appt tomorrow.
Hope you are not waiting too much longer and both of us see our babies very soon
:hug: :hug:
Try visualisation - Im convinced it helped me go into labour with my son. Lie in a nice warm bath and relax - visualise your cervix opening and your body preparing for labour.

I felt it was worth a try anyway - it was either that or a knitting needle :rotfl:
I hope it all kicks off soon for you hun and come let it out on here whenver you need to going overdue is no fun :hug:
You have a right to moan its not nice to go over, shouldnt they want to give u a sweep at least ?
Got a feeling tonight will be the night lol :hug:
:hug: :hug: Jane :hug: :hug:

Can you phone your midwife, or another, and ask for an appointment for a sweep or something? I know it varies on when they offer it but I've been offered one here on my due date strangely.

Really hope it starts soon for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Jane, you must be so frustrated :hug: :hug: . Your body is ready to go, hopefully things will kick off for you soon.
awww jane hun chin up :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
get on the phone to the midwife hun and find out whats going on
hope little george makes an appearance soon for you :hug: xxxxxxxxx
:hug: Jane, being over due is no fun at all. I hope things start moving soon, I would call your MW to make an appointment about the concerns for the placenta, I think that needs to be discussed.

Let us know how your getting on x
:hug: Jane :hug:

Waiting is horrible I do hope your little man puts you out of your misery and puts in an appearance very soon. I'm sure your dh is still interested, men generally just don't "get" pregnancy and certainly don't "get" labour! I remember with no1 son I told my dh my waters had broken and he looked down at my legs and I'm sure he was convinced he was going to see the head popping out lol!

Take care hunny!

BORED???! :? He's bored of it? Goodness me..! lol

Aww hun.. it must be really horrible for you, all this waiting about. Sounds to me like you are almost there though. Keep your chin up.. you'll look back and laugh at all of this once baby is here because it'll all seem so silly.

Have some hugs

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Jane I keep logging back on in the hope of some positive news........ :(

It does seem all the baby boys recently have preferred to stay where they are until the final hour (im sure my LO got a shock when he was dragged out early by his ankles :D ).

I shall be keeping my fingers and toes crossed tightly and definitely give your MW a call if you are worried about previous conversations.

Its no use me telling you to stay active as I know you never sit down anyway!!!!!!

I hope things start moving for you very very soon :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sounds like you need a :hug: . Hope you've found the dynamite.

Keeping my fingers crossed that things get moving soon for you.

Grace xx
Spoke to community midwives this afternoon, my midwife is in tomorrow so they are arranging a 2nd sweep for then and will look to book me in for induction if I need it at the weekend..... At least I now know there is an end in sight.....

Kept busy all day so hopefully I will sleep tonight a bit better.

Thanks for your support ladies its much appreciated.

Jane x

OMG ROM when did you get to be overdue?!!!

Good luck with the birth hunny xxx
Hey Jane ! Moan all you like ! your entittled !

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope something happens soon ! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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