gettin stick 4 bein young wiv a baby/preggers


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2005
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hi im 15 an ive just ad a beautiful baby girl
on thursday as i live in london i decided to take her 2 c buckingham palace lol!!
wel i woz in tha lift with tha buggy an a woman got in an after a cupl of minitz silence she started avin a go @ me 4 avin her so young an tellin me i woz a terribl mum
that shocked me
then when i woz out in tha street anuva woman stopped me a sed "got shall 4giv ur sins"
i woz like wat tha hell i aint dun nufin so i sed wat sins
an she ad tha cheek 2 point into tha buggy at bubs an say "your SINS"
that upset me
loadz of otha ppl yelled slut an hore at me
i wos wundrin wether any1 else has ad that kinda fing an wat thay did

luv mummy
Bloody hell that's awful - am so sorry that happened, I am sure you have enough on your plate with a new baby and to get that abuse is well out of order.

OK having a baby at 15 is not ideal and hard work, but it's just one of those things and you have to get on with it.

Just ignore these gits as you are living your life not them, and you are looking after your baby well if you are taking it out and about already.

Take care !

omg thats horrid hope ur ok? i know its not the same but ive had a few ppl walk past me in the street and call me a fat cow lol whilst ive been pg and i just think what the hell has it got to do with you !!
I can't believe that ppl can be so horrible! Can they not see the amount of responsibility you've taken on? They should want to help u not put u down. It's so unfair that stuff like this has to happen but it does, everywhere in the world it happens. All we have 2 do is hold our heads high & rise above it all! Plus if any of u get anything like that again, send 'em 2 me & I'll sort 'em out! LOL

Jeeezzz Mummy, I read your post with my mouth open, I can't believe how rude some people are! I hope you are okay. 15 is young but it's your choice and no one has the right to tell you otherwise. Bloody bizzybodies!! Ignore them. lots of love, Sam, xx
OMG did you not say piss off?? i kno i would have done - well i have. i have the same kinds of problems here where i live (boston), im 15 too and im due to have my lil bay girl Angelica in 6 weeks time (a week before my 16th birthday). i have people call me a slag and hore too, even some of my old friends.. i had one lad ride past me on his bike and shout HEY SLAG?! WHOS THE DADDY? :cry: i just carried on walking. even some of my family has turned against me! my nanny wont even talk to me anymore and said she will have nothing to do with me or the baby, even though she had a miscariage at my age. i dont care what people think tho because im so happy that im going to be a mummy soon and i wouldnt change a thing. i always get abuse of the dads family and friends because we aint together anymore. but my new boyfriend wont stand for it he said he loves me and baby angelica and wants to bring her up with me as his own :D xxx
hi unfortunately i know exactly what you mean :( its well out of order and no matter how young we have our babies we dont deserve that! im sorry for what they said to you :mad:
i started at college today and the look on some peoples faces "what your 16? and your having a baby? really? and your mums going to look after it??" well durr look at my belly!!! some people are so annoying but hey let it in one ear and out the other one babe :) All the best with little bub oh yeah does she have a name yet? hehe, Amy X
What are these people thinking??

I can't believe how many people like this that there are in the World.

How the hell they think they have the right to comment on someone elses life is beyond me. How do they even know how old you are, how many people you've slept with, or even if the baby is yours??!!

It makes me so mad. :x :x :x
I don't know why ppl can't just be supportive instead of putting us all down. I think I was lucky when I got pregnant 'cause there were a lot of supportive ppl around mebut an ex-friend (who used 2 be a best friend) supposedly wasn't very nice about it behind my back. I have absolutely no time for ppl like that. And then when she found out I miscarried, she was really sarcastic. It's sickening, honestly. These ppl are a waste of space if they can't get their head round the fact that yes, we're young but it takes maturity to keep a baby, carry that baby for nine months, go through labour then bring that child up & be a mother to that child! I've seen websites that go on about how teenage pregnancy is the end of the world (that the impression I was getting) & how it should be stopped. I admit it's not exactly convienient but it's not the be all & end all.

All of u stay strong, don't stand for abuse. None of us are sluts, none of us are stupid, we're brave!! Never forget that!


If any1 wants 2 chat let me know!
I have been amazed at the number of people who Ii don't know who feel they can come over to me and talk about how big I am? Its like when you are pregnant peeps feel they have a right to tell you about their opinion. I think its disgusting that people give you a hard time, and what they say to you is unfair. I think you are great for being such great mums and you should hold your heads up high.

Mummytobe_15 - I love the idea of you taking baby to see Buckingham Palace, I hope that despite the crazy woman baby had a great time out. xxxxxx
didnt open her eyes much but i no she loved it at tha palace lol!!

god i wish some ppl wud leave me alone
the kidz from the estate where i live yell all kindsa suff at me an its doin my head in, u shud c how many of them av got black eyes lol!!
they have no idea wat its like

i just av 2 rememba wat u sed marianne
none of us are sluts, none of us are stupid, we're brave!!
luv mummy
hi mummy2be

i kinda know how you feel. my mum had my lil sis when i was 14 nearly 15. and as you do i looked after her took her 4 walks in her pram and so on. but the looks i used 2 get when i did, it hurt. none of them people knew me, so how can the judge you. i can remember 1 day i took her out i think she was about 4 mth old, this awful woman came up 2 me and looked in the pram. she started off being really nice, how cute she was and how proud i must be. when i sed yes v proud (obviously she was my baby sis) she turned on me calling me a whore 4 sleepin around and a few other things. how dare she? :evil: so i just turned around and sed yes i am proud and im sure i would be more if she was my own, but she not she is my sis. well the look on her face when she realised was a picture. i saw her again this time i was with mum, mum just turned and said thanku 4 the lovly comments on her baby daughter(b4 she went nasty). and she just walked away all ashamed. ha taught her :D
try not 2 worry bout what people say. they dont know you and they need no explanation on why or how you have a baby at your age. take care of yourself and baby your more important than mean busy bodies.

take care
What I really wanna know is though... Why the hell do they automatically assume that ur sleeping around? It doesn't make any sense at all. Any1 have any ideas?
no i have no idea marianne!?!
luv mummy

ps me an nicole are back from hospital finally!
Nicole Keila -- that is such a gorgeous name! Double barrelled (if thats how u spell it) or is Keila her middle name coz thats so sweet!!
im not really sure marianne
i think keila is her middle name but i call her nicole and nicole-keila

luv mummy
i used to get stick all the time with kylie but now peaple are used to it
so if ya ever wanna talk im always here

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