Get Well Soon Cloud9...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Hi Girls,

Just wondered if we could all send get well soon vibes to Jo (Cloud 9). Some of you may know she has spent every day being sick throughout her least 2/3 times a day!!!

She's not been very well this weekend, text me on Sat to say she was feeling very poorly with a cough and couldn't keep any food down.....but she had friend come to stay for the wkend, and was being looked after.

But she's text me today, and the doctor has had to come out to her to give her something to stop her being she's still feeling very poorly, as nothing is staying down so she is getting very dehydrated :(

Just wanted to let you know she is ok, but may be missing in action for a while. I will keep you updated if I hear anymore, but hopefully the doctor has worked some magic, and she'll be back on her feet before long.

Lots of love & hugs Jo (& baby Dylan) hope you are feeling much better soon.

:hug: :hug: to cloud9 hope you start to feel better soon.
Get well soon cloudy!!! Teej is sending Dylan some hugs, :hug:
Hope you're feeling better soon!

We're going to have to have words with that Dylan when he comes out :shakehead:

Big hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug:
get well soon cloud9 :hug: :hug: :hug:

have plenty of rest :hug:
Get well soon, sending lots of love hugs to feel better! :hug:
oh cloud poor you :hug:

sending you healthy and get well vibes xx :hug:
Sorry you are feeling poorly it sounds terrible. Really hope you are feeling a bit better soon!! :hug:
hope your better soon hunny xxxxxxx
That sounds awful! Hope the meds from the drs did something and that you feel better soon :hug:
Thx for the kind messages....
still very sick but managed to keep some water down today, spending most the day in bed...I am not sure what Dylan is making of it all he has been very active while i have been unwell so I guess i find it reassuring.

Tablets doc gave me help me a bit but threw them up this am .. I am hoping if i can keep fluids down today maybe be able to eat seomthing tomorrow.

:hug: to all
Get plenty of rest missus! Hope you manage to keep the water down, and can start trying food again soon :hug: :hug:

Libby is sending hugs to Dylan too :hug:
starting to feel a little ribs hurt everytime i cough aswell as my chest but I actually feel like I am on the mend.

Am managing to eat a little but it seems the only thing Dylan wants is ham sandwiches . Although I have given him some pancakes this am and and they have stayed down for an hour so fingers crossed.

I have just weighed myself and have lost 3 1/2 Lbs since Sunday but am reassured by how active Dylan has been throughout the whole thing. I have a growth scan on Monday when he can be checked out. The doc checked him on monday and said he was fine.

For some reason he doesn't like the cough mixture so am just taking paracetamol now.

Thanks for all your messages :hug:
glad to hear you're feeling alittle better and hope you manage to keep your breakfast down :hug:
Glad to hear you are feeling a little better........glad Dylan is being nice and active to reassure you.

Hope he hangs on to the pancakes too :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: thinking of you and dylan hun hope you continue to get better xxxxxx

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