Genuine Fear


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Ok, looks like I have my first blood test on thursday, problem is I am so scared it is making me ill, and I know I am over reacting but I cant help it!

I truly wish I could get out of this but I know I can't. Was anyone else scraed of theirs? I feel like I am the only person in the UK worried about my bloods :shock:
Try not to stress yourself out about hun, we all have to get them done whether we like it or not!!

oh try not to worry too much, put it out of your mind for the next few days as wont help worrying about it :hug:
i hated and still hate having blood tests taken i can't watch - this doc/midwife finds it hilarious though as i work as a veterinary nurse and inject animals all day!!
I understand honey :hug:

I passed out when they tried to take my 12 week bloods! I was then too scared to go back and ended up with the midwife knocking on my door at 16 weeks and doing them while I lay semi-concious on my bed! :shock:

After that, I was prescribed EMLA cream which completely numbs the area so you can't feel a thing. I found as long as I didn't look I was ok. It's marvelous stuff! Ask your MW for some :)

The only other cure I know of is LABOUR!! Honestly, I had that many needles stuck in me over those 3 days and I couldn't have cared less! :?
Hypnorm said:
i hated and still hate having blood tests taken i can't watch - this doc/midwife finds it hilarious though as i work as a veterinary nurse and inject animals all day!!

wow thanks minksy I will aks her some of that cream sounds great! Makes me feel much better!

thanks to everyone else too I feel much more calm now xx

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