Generally, how are you all feeling?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hi :wave:
Just wondered how everyone was feeling generally in the 2nd trimester?

I am 22 weeks and feeling pretty good, though very tired all the time! Have been having the few odd bad headaches, but compared to my last pregnancy, they are mild! Sickness passed about 6 weeks ago and finally got my appetite back (though not sure if that's a good thing :lol: !) Only other thing is dizziness when I stand up - this due to very low blood pressure. Hoping to work up to a week before due due (although probably being optimistic!)

Hope you are all doing good.
I actually feel great! :D

Yes I get dreadful heartburn and trapped wind, every evening after I eat, and also suffered from some round ligament pain which is very very painful - but all in all I feel pretty good and try not to think about the aches and pains too much!

Hope everyone else is feeling well too :D
could be better but could be worse, i ache all over and ribs are a big problem, no sickness anymore but do get heartburn (any excuse to suck on a fireman :wink: )
I must admit i am feeling my age but lovin being pregnant this time :D
I'm feeling pretty good in general although I find some days I'm uncomfortable when I walk/sit/stand/sleep as my hips and pelvis are suffering this time but all in all the discomfort is manageable. I have occasional heartburn but I just have to make sure I don't eat too much and other than that I can't complain
im starting to feel slightly better,the sickness is subsiding but im still so so tired and want to sleep alot but other then that im getting comments that im looking well! :D :)
there is only one word for me im afraid, but i won't repeat it!

I want to bloom :shakehead:
I am mostly feeling....TIRED! :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

But apparently I look like I'm blooming :think:

I'm sleeping about 9 hours a night and an hour and a half at lunchtime when Mel does- is this about normal or excessive?

im getting about 8 hours a night but would definatley want more if i could!
i work full time so don't get a nap during the day but would love too! :D :sleep: :bored: :D
Rosebay said:
I am mostly feeling....TIRED! :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

But apparently I look like I'm blooming :think:

I'm sleeping about 9 hours a night and an hour and a half at lunchtime when Mel does- is this about normal or excessive?


I sleep on average for 10 hours a night :D
I'm very jealous :( I can't think of any clean words that describe how I'm feeling.

I'm currently off work with sciatica and on medication... I'm supposed to be bed resting which is impossible with a child. Because of the pain I can't sleep at night so I'm tired and grumpy all day and because of the medication I'm dizzy and constipated! At worst the pain is so bad that I struggle to speak without it hurting... so in short I feel pants :(

Oh I'm such a ray of sunshine :roll:

H x
im feeling ok most of the time apart from heartburn, tiredness and cant sleep apart from that im feeling quite good :)

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