Gastroenteritis :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Woke up at 5am this morning feeling :puke: have since thrown up 3 times and had 5 lots of diahorrea (sorry TMI).
I have managed to keep down a pint of lucozade and a slice of bread so I think I am over the worst now.
But my temp is 38 degrees and despite taking 2 paracetamol has only dropped a tiny bit.
I am worried about the baby overheating and also getting enough nutrition as I know he/she has a lot of growing to do at the moment.
Also just feeling sorry for myself. :cry:
((((((((((((T lady))))))))))))

sounds awful....I wouldn't worry about the baby getting enough nutrition for a couple of days just so long as you can keep up your fluids thats the main thing and try and keep yourself as cool as you can.

hope you are feeling better in the morning.
give yourself plenty of rest
Not nice, i do hope you feel better tomorrow, i'm sure baba will be ok.

oh something else i remebered.When i was in hosp i had a temp and asked the M/w if it would harm the baby she said LO would be fine.
Hope you are feeling a bit better today babe :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure bubs will be fine, get as much rest as you can, try to get as much fluid as you can cope with, and baby will still get nutrition - my mw once told me, that baby will take what he/she needs first & foremost, and leave you the rest - so anything you take on board will benefit baby first x

Really hope you are back on your feet soon :hug:
Oh no :hug: - hope you're over it soon.

I had a tummy bug early on (around 6 weeks) and then again around a month ago (I catch everything from Maddie). But the doctor said there was no risk to the baby so not to worry.

Get lots of rest and drink as much as you can manage. If you can get hold of Diarolyte (sachets of powder that you mix with water and drink to replenish lost minerals) then I really recommend them, they rehydrate you and make you feel so much better, and are fine for you to take when pregnant.


Thanks everyone.

I am feeling much better today, amazing really as I felt like death last night. :(

@ Cloud9; thanks it was only really the effect of the temp on the baby I was concerned about so thats a relief.

@ littlebump; poor you having it twice! I was very brave (lol) and let DH put a little salt in my lucozade! since we didn't have any rehydration stuff handy.

Thanks again for all your nice thoughts. :hug:

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