
Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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I've had a pain in my right side just under my ribs for the last four or five days. The doctor has sent me in for an ultrasound as she thinks it's gallstones! I thought that only older people got those?

I hope there is some way of flushing them or getting rid of them without surgery as we are TTC at the moment. I don't want any delays!

Anyone know anything about it?

My sister had them, and had them removed when she was about 15 years old so I don't think it's to do purely with older people. Evidently hers developed due to stress (she's such a worry wart & hypocondriact!) and as such a rise (or was it drop? I can't remember) in her female hormone levels, her periods stopped due to the stressing etc so might have been dropped levels?.

This page is easy to understand (no medical terms!) and might be helpful: ... htm#causes
Hiya Honey,

Firstly, sorry about the poss gallstones. It is agony!!! I think they are more common in younger people if you have carried some extra weight, like myself. I got them when I was just 21 after I lost a shed load of weight very quickly. Doctor missed mine even though I had three scans and I developed complications; I got jaundice and quite ill. They found them eventually through another scan and injecting ink into my liver?!? to look at the blockage.

I had a open surgery to remove my bladder and clear the blockage...I was out of hospital after a week and it took 6 weeks to recover. My mother had gallstones at 44. She had keyhole surgery to remove them. She was in hospital for 24 hours and recovered in 2 weeks. Most people have keyhole surgery if there are no complications.

I have been fine and healthy for 9 years now, no problems at all. It was worth a few weeks of discomfort.

I think Sam (Sam&Alice) has gall stones too and is due to have them out.

good luck with your scan!

not sure about this hun but i know my mum had her galstones (spel?) out a few years ago and she is only 46 now! :hug:
Happybunny said:
I think Sam (Sam&Alice) has gall stones too and is due to have them out.

thats me!

the buggers have had my up a&e 7 times since the beginning of feb. i have been admitted to hospital for a few days as well, because my gall bladder got infected.

they first discovered mine when i was 30odd weeks pregnant. im still not 100% sure if they effected my pg, because i was found to have oc.

my MW said that if you checked most women 50odd% would have them to a degree, but only a small percentage get pain from them.

Ive had my consultant appointment, and they said that they no longer 'blast' them. they now remove the whole gall bladder, as the opp is only 5 mins longer and there is less chance of problems in the future. Still waiting for my date to go in and have the blooming thing taken out though :wall: how i miss cheese................

Let us know how your scan goes :hug:
LauraB has had them aswell, they've really been bad she's been in and out of hospital with them for ages.
Thanks girls - still waiting for an ultrasound appointment - things are very slow here.

The pain wasn't that severe, it just felt like a pull or a tug up under my ribs on the right and sometimes radiating to the middle of my ribs and down to my back on the right hand side. I believe I've been lucky, if they are really what my problem is! My Dad had his gallbladder removed 7 years ago and was really ill with an infected bile duct last year where one of the stones formed in the duct. So it's in my family I think because my brother also has a liver condition.

I am also overweight...sigh - and I like my sweet things. Can't have them any more though...

Thanks for the input...


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