Gagging for a cold cider!! Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

So proud to be pregnant and really looking forward to having my second little miracle


I am gagging for a ice cold cider or chilled glass of wine!!! (or 10).
Loads of people say "oh you can have one, surely" but I don't just want one!!! There is no point in just ONE!!

We have had one of the hottest days of the year and we are on six weeks summer holidays (me and DH are teachers) so there is nothing stopping me...apart from my bump!!!

On a serious note, even though gagging for the "heady" feeling of alcohol, I would not touch a drink with a barge pole because of my precious little mircacle developing inside.

Anyone else feel the same?

Julia xxxxxxx
OH YES!!!!!

Me and the hubby went out for a meal the other week and he had a large magners over ice, i must admit i did have a sip :D
I'm addicted to cider flavour ice lollies at the moment - but I'm not sure they would replace an actual cider.

I haven't touched booze since November and even that was only 2% stuff!
ooh i want an ice cold strongbow :( xxxxxxxxx
Do you know what would go down well at this precise moment, a vodka, lime and soda, so refreshing!!!!! Oh well another 5 months to wait and by then I won't want VLS, mind you then I can start on the mulled wine mmmm yummy!!
I saw the title of this thread and started drooling!!

I had my 21st in May before I was 3 months and hadn't told anybody I was pregnant yet (besides close family and my OH), I had the most sober 21st in the history of ever and was given loads of bottles of my fave wine and champagne!

Would love for a nice chilled glass of white wine... but I suppose it will keep til Christmas!!

im not really a big drinker since i left my early teens (i get ill when i even have a few), but every now and then try to convince my husband to have a cold beer so i can smell it. Havnt touched one since about 3months before i even found out i was pregnant though.
Tesco's do a low alcohol cider with 0.5% which isn't too bad, and I realised that Appletiser is a reasonable cider substitute taste wise. At least if you prefer cider which tastes of apples rather than this awful strongbow stuff.
Thanks for your replies! I am going to go for the low alcohol cider!! Won't get the "buzz" but it will do for now!!

It has started raining now, which has stopped my need for alcohol - bring on the rain!!

Julia xxxx

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