anyone else got a cold ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
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i'm full of it again!

i work in a school so had it in October just after the start of the new year and now i have it again!

my face is really flushed and i feel warmer than usual in myself.
the left side of my nose is so blocked up i can't breath through it and no matter how much i blow my nose or sniff it won't budge!
i voice keeps going from me sounding like a man to squeeky and sometimes i talk and no sound comes out!
i'm so tired and feel like i could sleep the next week away.
and my piercings are playing up, my ears have swollen up abit so feel really tight around my plugs (i have stretched ears) and are causing me a bit of pain now but i think that's cause i'm tired i'm noticing it more and my nostril and septum piercing are playing up because of all the nose wiping/blowing.

anyone else got a cold at the moment ?
or got a miracle cure ?! :rotfl:

usually i'd get me some cold tablets but because i'm TTC i'm steering clear of anything like that.
i'm just having a mug of steming hot blackcurrent in the morning to wake my throat up abit.
me!!!!! full of a cold, sore throat, feel sick (but not enough to be sick iykwim)

i feel like :wall: :wall: ..... :rotfl:

so i sympathise with you :hug:
I've felt ill for about two weeks now! :( Started off with my chest hurting and then got a full blown cold, ears and nose completely blocked up, and horrible cough!

Today is the first day that I've started to feel 'normal' again.. hopefully by tomorrow I'll be as right as rain!
me and LO have had a flu thing since thursday, sickness (and the other end) :puke:

just starting to get rid of it now, and OH has got it today :( .

aaaagh i hate being ill! on the plus side i remembered to watch saturday kitchen :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone.

i'm awake because i can't breathe out my nose and keep waking myself up thinking i can't breathe because while sleeping i don't usually breathe through my mouth!
At the moment no thank goodness.......I've had SO many in the past few months, ones that have spread into my sinus's and all sorts, that horrid flu thing that starts with a sore throat then a cough etc, god I've had them all over the past few months I tell you. :hug: Hope you get better soon, colds are a real pest
Yep, Lydia keeps bringing them back from nursery.

We were all full of it 3 weeks ago. And then it went, and then last week we got another one! It's not good!
I had my cold in december and then half of one :rotfl: in january

Hope it clears up soon getting ANOTHER cold :roll:

My throat feels all wird, kind of 'itchy' on the inside, my voice os going, and im starting to get that shakey feeling , plus im blowing my nose every too minutes and coughing.

I wouldnt mind, but i had a really bad cold 3 weeks ago, then straight after that we all got a sickness bug... :cry: BALLS!
Us. Boooo. Woke up this morning with a horrid sore throat. My poor peeps have had 'orrible colds over the W/E, this morning mysweet Zane woke up with a sore ear,so we will be off for a script today, I really hope we can get an appointment today.
Get well soon everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

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