Gagging and choking...

Full of hope!

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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How do you tell the difference? :? I know this is a stupid question and eventually you will realise if your baby is choking but can you tell the difference straight away?

Jacob has gagged many times and a few times I must admit i've panicked, thought he was choking and grabbed him out of the high chair! :shock: It scares the living daylights out of me!!!
From what I remember from a babies and children first aid course I did (long time ago so apologies if i'm wrong!!)

Gagging is the usual coughing spluttering that all babies do at some point when they get food stuck.

Choking is when food is lodged in their throat stopping them breathing and though they will be trying to cough there is no noise and thay are obviously struggling for breath,
yeh gagging is just a reflex and a natural aid to stop food getting stuck when it goes too far to the back of their throat. just to help them hoik it back up :lol:

Choking is when something is blocking the passage! :talkhand: not good! usually show signs of gasping for breath.

Kyran has gagged loads he does it all the time when hes greedy and rams everything in his mouth. but as soon as he gags it pops back up again, or he pukes everywhere :lol:
Thanks ladies, that helps!

When Jacob gags he coughs, goes bright red then throws the offending bit of food back sometimes with sick too :puke:

If your baby is choking, what exactly are you ment to do? I thought put them over your knee and pat their back :? Am I right? I really should do a first aid course!
Full of hope! said:
If your baby is choking, what exactly are you ment to do? I thought put them over your knee and pat their back :? Am I right? I really should do a first aid course!

Me too. I'm so bothered about this.
Yea you put them over your knee and give them quite a sharp slap between their shoulder blades.

You sholdn't try and do a heimlich manouver on a small child as you can do more harm than good. ... egory.html

There seems to be a lot of info on this site about first aid in younger children.

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