
Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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rileys been fussing at the breast. he feeds for about 15mins, then comes off crying

why is this? am i not making enough? not drinking enough? i dont want to top-up formula.

what can i do??
He could need winding keslo :hug: I know Isaac does it often, sometimes he does it when he's restless too, and really should be sleeping. I do hope Riley calms for you, I do hope he's OK too :)
Growth spurt? babies can be really fussy during this time, or could he be teething?
i dont think he needs winding, as i always wind him when he does it.

how would i know if he is teething?

he could be having a growth spurt, as he was nil by mouth for 3 days when he had his op. so he could be having a growth spurt to catch up.

i aske the hv about it, blaming useless 'oh i dont know why he is doing that' :roll:
Teething - is he chomping on his fist, dribbly, red cheeked, bad poos or nappy rash?

If he was nil by mouth it could be both that your supply dipped slightly and that he's also going through a growth spurt so he's hungrier than usual. How is he today?
is it all the time or only certain time of day? millies fussier in the evenings, maybe shes tired or supplys lower then. x
kelso theres info on the link i gave you yesterday hun.. have a look :hug:

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