Fussing when feeding


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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Finley has been fussing a lot when feeding recently. He will feed for a few minutes and then cry. I change breasts and feed, again he cries. I keep putting it down to teething as he has been generally grumpy and sleeping a lot. What do you think?
yes it could be teething hun, and possibly bad wind.

Olivia was like that with both, so to rule out teething I used to stick bonjela on her guns before feeding and she would feed when I had done it.

If it wasnt that it was proberly wind so I winded her in all sorts of positions and sometime she would let out a huge burp :D

And when it wasnt that :lol: I put it down to her having a growth spurt, she acts really funny when shes having one, like now she is, she will go bed at 630 have a feed and then cry her eyes out an hour later and have a few sucks and will b fine until 12 tonight :|

Babies are funny little things :D
mermaid, I am having exactly the same problems with Grace (see my posts) it is so distressing isn't it..........
the girls here have been a great help though......... lots of suggestions and words of encouragement :)

still haven't find out what the problem with Grace is - have tried all sorts of things ..... will let you know how I get on

sending lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw thanks girls. Let me know when you find the magic solution Fiona, babies sure are a unique breed lol ! I always have an idea what is wrong with him but I can never say for sure, that's the hard part. He is 5 months soon so I guess I am preparing for weaning too which makes me question his behaviours more. :D

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