funny pains


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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since last night i have had a few funny pains in my tummy

there weird, like a kinda sharp pain, that continues at the beat of a pulse, like pain.....pain....pain....pain.... then it stops for a bit then starts again

About 4am this morrnign it was on my left side not its kinda at the top just off the the right a little

Anyone know what it is?
i don't know jennywren, maybe trapped wind, that can be really painful, I know it sounds silly but it can be all over and really hurt! but definitely if you are worried you should contact someone, you can never be too careful x
missac said:
i don't know jennywren, maybe trapped wind, that can be really painful, I know it sounds silly but it can be all over and really hurt! but definitely if you are worried you should contact someone, you can never be too careful x

yeh i guess it could be wind, if its still happening tomorrow ill contact the Midwife and see what she suggests!

Like you say, can never be too carefull, and when its your first you get scared of every little pain and twinge!
I was having braxton hicks, and had a pain at the top of uterus. I got seen today by obs in hospital and they said it's just normal stretching pains.
i know! analisys paralisys!!!!! I over analyse everything! and sometime all you need is a good pump! :oops: :rotfl:
missac said:
sometime all you need is a good pump! :oops: :rotfl:

yeh well im getting plenty of that, im gagging for it at the moment, these days ith OH thats saying he is too tired :rotfl:
not that kind of pump :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i mean a fart!! :rotfl: :rotfl: oh, you have cheered me up no end, I am sitting here giggling like a child!!!!
I've been worrying about every little niggle too, I get a sharp pain in my side if I twist round.
i've got that! and when I walk it is seemingly a urine infection!
missac said:
not that kind of pump :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i mean a fart!! :rotfl: :rotfl: oh, you have cheered me up no end, I am sitting here giggling like a child!!!!

OH :rotfl: you should have just said fart, ive got sex on the flipping brain, I tell ya! I keep trying to wak OH up when I get in from nights but he just shouts at me, how unusual is that
I've occasionally woken OH up for 'fun' after a middle-of-the-night loo trip. He doesn't seen to appreciate it but usually obliges!!!!
it could be the ligaments stretching i think i remember this!! i hope its all ok though which im sure it is, we tend to worry about every niggle don't we?

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