Funny breathing, advice please please please

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Sami text me she is still down the hospital, waiting fo another doc to check him over, shes hoping to be able to take him home today
Thanks Dionne.

Sami - I hope you guys are ok, thinking of you :)

Just got home, have not slept a wink all night. I'm so tired. :(

The x-ray, bloods and ECG were clear, no signs of problems or infections brewing or anything, but the paediatrition wants him back on his medication as his thinks it could be his reflux. He was on a SATS monitor all night and kept going up and down, but generally is still happy and bouncy when awake (it's just when he sleeps the problem occurs).

Lord knows why I want another baby, don't think I can handle much more of this :cry:
Phew! Glad he's ok. That blimmin refllux is a nightmare.
Do they think he'll grow out of it at 7/8 months?

Go to bed!
sami sorry you're having such a rough time with D, hope he behaves for you to get some sleep :D
Hope he's OK Sami, been thinking about you all day hun

Just though Id let you know how he is today. A bit grouchy, not sleeping brilliantly and has a funny sleep pattern and waking early hours but he's okie. Still a little blue round the mouth but seems well otherwise. Supposed to be going to see Richard Ashcroft for DF's birthday tomorrow, but not sure I want to leave him now. Still feeling a bit crap about the whole thing.
Not suprised you are feeling crap you probably don't know what to do and when to do it.

Is there any diagnosis on things yet?

Sending you a virtual hug innit ;)
No diagnosis, they haven't got a clue. They just hope he'll grow out of it. Driving me crazy now.
ooh sami really sorry about what you 're going through hun x
Oh Sami, I am sorry, have just seen the thread!!! how is your little handsome man?
Sending you lots of hugs, hun, you deserve a good rest,..I know, easier said than done!


Mel xx
He is grouchy and horrid and being a bit odd but he's still smiling on and off! Completely clingy to me but I don't mind, I love my cuddles with him xx

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