full of cold,feeling sorry for myself!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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urgh i feel crap,and so weak,im full of cold and feel bleurgh. :(
my boss sent me home from work,i've been to the docs and he's just prescribed me paracetamol and a cough medicine for my throat,i can't stop sneezing and feel really bunged up and tender.
ive just been for a nap and slept for 3 hours straight,i must have needed it. :bored:
i haven't had a cold for ages,do you think we get them because our immune system is weaker as baby is getting all out nutrients??
i was so full of energy and excitement for my scan on friday!
i hope i feel better by then as i want to feel energetic again! :D

hope everyone else is okay! :hug:
know exactly how you're feeling hun, I'm just starting to get rid of it, it's horrid - hope you're feeling better soon :hug:
I've got it too :( and my poor baby has it, she went for a nap at 2pm and is still asleep (secretly I'm :cheer: cause it means I'm having a rest on the sofa)
:hug: :hug: for us all, hope it doesn't last too long :hug:
thanks girlies! :hug:
urgh i hate having cold it makes you feel really grotty and grubby!
i hope you both feel better soon! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww hun :hug:
i had two colds near the beginning of my pregnancy.... makes you feel rubbish doesnt it? :(

I agree with what you're saying about the immune system thing, and also think its why I didnt get my hayfever this year as thats an immune reaction too....either that or because the weather was crap! :lol:
hi lisa! :wave:
sorry you have had it too,twice urgh!
my bubs seems okay though! i still use my trusty doppler most days and the heartbeat is super strong,hope you are feeling okay in your pregnancy! :D
im catching up to you now! lol!! :rotfl:
bluergh its horrible isnt it! my other half lovingly gave me his cold, so i now feel like poo. No going home for me tho, specially since my last 2 days they took as unpaid sick leave! gonna just give it to everyone else in the office :lol:
Annabanna33 said:
bluergh its horrible isnt it! my other half lovingly gave me his cold, so i now feel like poo. No going home for me tho, specially since my last 2 days they took as unpaid sick leave! gonna just give it to everyone else in the office :lol:

:rotfl: to the last sentence!
sorry they have made you take your sick unpaid,i have a lovely boss, thank god who really looks after me! :D

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