Full Moon.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Did you know that the birth rate increases as the we aproach a full moon? Aparently some birth units put on extra staff on and around the full moon.

The theory is that the moon's gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid in much the same way as it effects the water in the sea, rivers and even the water that's otherwise found in our bodies.

I first heared about it off a farmer during lambing season, he said it was noticable to him because they had several hundred sheep and literally hundreds would be born within a few days of the full moon and then it would go quiet for a few weeks.

Incase any of you are interested - we have a full moon on Tuesday night.

:think: which may (or may not) explain the sudden flurry of births we seem to be having after a quiet spell. :think:
I forgot to mention that! - more research done has shown that your waters are more likely to break close to a full moon. In fact of all the times that waters have broken unexpectably without the presence of contractions there is a really high correlation with the full moon cycle.

Its got something to do with the increased pressure on the fluid caused by the pull of the moon.

...... that also leads on to thunderstorms or areas of low pressure..... if there is a sudden drop in air pressure outside the relative pressure inside the womb is higher which can lead to waters breaking.

So.......... what we need ladies is a full moon and a big thunderstorm to speed things up! :lol:
When i had virgin media i saw this on one of the maternity programmes and they would put extra staff on when a full moon was due.

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