Fromage Frais allergy?

This is kind of a feeding issue, but also a health issue too.
Whenever Damien eats Fromage frais, no matter what brand it is, it gives him a very dodgy tummy and my god does it smell bad, the poor thing. Does anyone else's baby have this or ever had it? I'm going to ask to have him tested for an allergy to cheese (I don't give him cheese, only Fromage frais which is a fresh curd cheese made from pasturised cows milk).

I'm a bit weary of trial and error giving him things to see if he reacts. Does anyone know how they would test for it at the doctors?
Hmm not sure but i think you have to keep a food diary first
Dunno if this will apply with D being so young

I think they do it through blood tests , but don't quote me on that

I'd try him with a bit of cheese and see how he reacts to that, it could be something else in the Fromage frais that he is reacting to

sorry i haven't been much help have i
LOL it's okie mate any advice or help is great.
I dunno if the food diary will help, as it is only the fromage frais which does it. I've tried to give him cheese before and he won't eat it. I'm a bit weary of it anyway as cheese doesn't agree with me.
Bit stupid really, not gonna know if he reacts to that unless I give him some, but this smell is vile and I don't want to give him a bad stomach if we can avoid it :|
It might just be them then, have you tried giving him just plain yogurt?

Oh its so hard 'cos we don't wanna upset their tummys

i would try plain yogurt and see what happens fingers crossed

it could well be some additive or other

I give Jack the muller little stars (not sure if fromage frais or not)

Maybe it is just them that he is intolerant of

I can't stomach milk but adore cheese and can eat ice cream and stuff like that ( slight lactose thing doc said!!)

but milk on its own no way!!!
I can't drink milk on it's own either, it smells disgusting, but I can have it in tea if I have the tea strong.
I haven't given him plain yoghurt coz I didn't know if I could, but he is fine with ice cream and milk so it can't be a dairy thing on it's own.

He's had little stars (which caused this episode) petit filous and another brand of fromage fraise before.

It's just wierd to have a reaction to this and nothing else :think:
Hmm very strange :think:

i drink tea with milk aswell but has to be VV strong but i can't drink it in coffee :puke: oh dear i am strange lol

I am sure he can have plain yogurt, ther is another post on here somewhere, i'll have a look
Why not give him a go with greek yoghurt? I totally understand you not wanting to give Damien things which you think may cause him a bad tum. Maybe its just the fromage frais not necessarily dairy products. Why not check with your HV?? Sorry., not much good im afraid! lol
Hi Sami how have you got on this week?
has D's little tummy been ok?
I remember you talking to me on MSN once hun and you said you had to change Damo cos he had eaten fromage frais and his poo was rank!!!

I hope you can find the cause of his poorly tums and find him a better substitute hun :hug:

Your nose will thank you for it :wink:
Haven't tried him with anything else this week, just kept to the fruit pots. HV didn't ring either, all week! Not that I rang her :lol:
I'll have to get onto her next week.
Thanks for remembering girls :)
I would just use plain yoghurts, as long as they are smooth with no bits they are ok for babies. Or greek yoghurt as Hels recommended, seren loves it
Ella loves greek yoghurt too, I was quite surprised because it's got a very distinctive taste.
I love greek yoghurt too, with honey in mmmmmmmmm

can't wait til seren is older then she can have that too :D
I know, 3 months to go until the honey ban is lifted :rotfl:
I don't think I have ever had it tbh! Must give it a go. Can you buy it in pots or is it just one big pot? x
Hi Sami,

My Son Bailey I have tried on seveal accasions and he too has a few days followed with Diarehha.

I have always had a problem with Bailey with all dairy products he was taking omino comfort until this week when he dropped his milk intake to just under 10oz a day.

He doesnt have side affects with milk just refuses it when given I have now be advised to put him on soya Milk so hopefully this will help him.

I think but I am not sure that you can get soya based yogurts which I am thinking about trying on him.


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