Frightening experience

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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On Tuesday I was walking in park with dog and Ruby in her pram, she was fast asleep when she suddenly woke up with a high pitched scream, never heard her scream like that before :shock: Her eyes were bulging, and there was bubbles and clear phlemgh (sp?) stuff coming from her mouth :shock: :shock: I put my finger gently in her mouth to clear it from her and lifted her from her pram onto my shoulder patting her back. She seemed to be struggling for breath too which was distressing her more. I bundled her in car, and drove to local hozzie which luckily was round the coner. I was crying by the time I got there, and she was quiet and dozy....they checked her over and found nothing wrong. I felt like I had over reacted but they were so nice and reassuring

I have since spoken to friend who had the same experience with her little boy when he was 8 weeks old, her doc said it was mucus coming up from chest from birth, which catches in throat and startles them....

It certainly shocked me and Roobs, any one else had this??? xxx
:shock: i would have done exaclty the same hun.... :hug: that is my worst fear keeley chokin on somethin luckliy i haven't had to deal with that yet but now she's on finger foods i get scared everyday.... :cry:
that does sound scary. hope you both ok xx :hug:
Poor you and poor Ruby. That sounds scary.
So glad she's ok.
That sounds scary! You did the right thing and I am glad she is ok!

Can I just say though that if you think your LO is choking that you shouldn't put your finger in their mouth ( you could push whatever it is further down, ) Instead you should tip them upside down or smack them in the middle of their shoulder blades if they are older.

Please don't think I am picking fault - I think I would have reacted in the same way especially as she woke up from her sleep with it!!
The same happened to Arianna but we were still in hospital, would have scared me no ends if we were out and about!
oh god, i'm glad Ruby is ok now, but how scary for you. :hug: :hug:
OMG how scary for you, that must have been awful :hug: So glad she is ok now (and you too) :hug:
Lyndsey said:
That sounds scary! You did the right thing and I am glad she is ok!

Can I just say though that if you think your LO is choking that you shouldn't put your finger in their mouth ( you could push whatever it is further down, ) Instead you should tip them upside down or smack them in the middle of their shoulder blades if they are older.

Please don't think I am picking fault - I think I would have reacted in the same way especially as she woke up from her sleep with it!!

No, I appreciate the advice hunny :hug: , I just panicked and was trying to clear it away with my finger, although I didnt stick it right in, just through her lips to clear it away as best I could. I didnt know about tipping them upside down, its a good thing to know. I will defo be reading up on baby first aid now incase God forbid anything else ever happened
again xx

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