frigging drs


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Hello everyone :wave:

Well as most of you know my mum had an operation at the beginning of last week to remove part of her lung and she was supposed to be home today.

So I phone my mums house and her boyfriend phoned me back and explained that she wasn't able to come home as since her op she'd been getting chest pain when she ate or drank anything.

The consultant said that it's just panic attacks and all in her mind, anyway on Saturday she was still having problems so they eventually sent her for an xray, and found out that when she had her op they must have damaged some nerves because when she ate the muscle that closes to stop anything from going down her windpipe wasn't closing, so when ever she drank or ate it was going into her lungs :shock:

so now she's on a drip and has to learn how to control the muscle again so she can eat properly, so don't know when she can come home also if she has to have chemo she can't start it until she is well enough which could be awhile now.

:shock: stupid docs. awful they are.

i hope she gets better soon.

*sends get well soon vibes*
thats awful, how is she meant to learn to control an involuntary muscle?
hope she has a good recovery :hug: :hug:
:shock: Oh good God that sounds awful, your poor Mum :( . I hope she gets better soon :hug:
Ohhhh no suz I can't believe it, stoopid Doctor!!
Oh no :( Stupid doctors. Why cant they take peoples complaints seriously.

I hope your mum improves quickly Suz
OMG thats unacceptable!

Whoever made this mistake needs to be held accountable hun

I really wish you and your mum all the best and a speedy recovery!

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