

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I got a gp appointment for Friday morning to try and get some answers, and get referred to fertility specialist. If they say no I'll visit once a week until they refer me :D I'm soooo tired of being fobbed off and passed around doctors, its been 14 months, a mc, diagnosis of mild pcos, long and strange cycles and a possible cyst or something in my uterus - surely thats enough!?

Wish me luck! xx

ps. hope everyone alright and enjoying the sunny day today.
Good luck, dont give up, keep at those GP's till they refer you. xx
Good luck Sarah and well done for being proactive about it :D

Get yourself some notes and read up on your issues and also on the Nhs guidelines and PCT guidelines for your area.

Be polite and assertive and just give the impression that you are very determined and unless they say what you want them to, question them about their reasoning.

I also think it knocks them off guard if you write down any "facts" they try to tell you in case they come back and bite them in the ass.

I almost wish i was tagging along lol :)
Thanks ladies :) Louise I wish you were coming along too! I'm going to do what you said the other day and ask for a copy of my results in case we have to go private. Although just found out that there's one guy who works in the whole of my area who is the gynae, the fertility specialist and the private specialist too! Let's hope he is nice.
Seems silly having a gynae appt booked in for a few weeks and then (hopefully) seeing the same person as a fertility specialist. As far as I know my issues will be all fertility related since were TTC. Suppose it can't harm, wish he was a woman though...
I've been doing some reading online so will be ready I hope. Think I'll take hubby with me as he will get mad if they try to fob me off! xxx
Oh definately take hubby with you!

Did you say he was older?

It shows a more united front, takes two to make a baby afterall, and if he is older - sorry if i'm getting confused - then it might make them realise that you're not a couple of kids who want a dolly :) (viewpoint of doctor, not my own viewpoint :p)
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Good luck Sarah, dont let your GP fob you off any longer, I had one do that to me so I just went back and saw someone else instead. I also took my hubby along with me as a united front, we now have our first fertility appt on the 18th!!
Yes Louise he is older - almost 36. Ha yeah I know what you mean - doctors think that young people don't understand with the implications of children. So patronising!
Thanks Vicky, that gives me some hope! Do you know much about your PCOS? I don't know much about it but have been doing a bit of research xxxxx
I have done a fair amount of reading on PCOS, the main things I suffer from are irregular cycles and spots, have a bit of extra weight around my tummy but nothing to bad.

If you have any questions I will do my best to help answer them for you x
Yeah I have been reading about it too. I was almost 14 stone a yr or so ago and now dropped to 10, but it seems from my tests its just appeared recently. My cycles are from 35-40 something days each month but I get mid cycle bleeding about day 14. However ov tests show positive about day 25. Do you have something similar? The nasty gp last week said I prob wasn't ovulating at all, but I dunno how to tell! I get terrible pms and heavy periods. I'm spotty too, and still feel I have all my weight on my tummy too.
I've just been reading about agnus castus, might give it a try next month - do you take it? I'm taking evening primrose this month. xxxxx
My cycles are worse then yours babe, mine range from anything around 2 months to 4 months. I did try Agnus Castus one month but it made me nervous taking it as you are suppose to stop before ovulation but I never know when I am ovulating so I thought it best not to take it, but I do know it has worked well for some of the ladies so it may be worth trying to see if it helps.

The only vitamins I take are folic acid and B6 (suppose to help with CM).

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