Friday Night Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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So what are we all up to tonight?

ive ordered a curry, only just sat down been taking pics of clothes to sell, i'm knackered, they need to hurry up with my food, i need Coke! :faint:

I have just got into bed, I am shattered!
Im sat in my pj's with a stinking cold eating B&J cookie dough, it's safe to say im feeling sorry for myself lol.
Im lounging on the bed watching Game of Thrones. I will continue to do this until I think I can no longer hold my eyelids open :) Ive got a 7k run tomorrow with my mother so I can't imagine it'll be a late night :/
Im lounging on the bed watching Game of Thrones. I will continue to do this until I think I can no longer hold my eyelids open :) Ive got a 7k run tomorrow with my mother so I can't imagine it'll be a late night :/

oo 7k! sound ouchy! x
It's the longest Ive done since the 10k (although Im sure I only got through that race on adrenaline!) so not sure if Ill be walking at the end of it. Ive got myself the brightest, yellow-est t-shirt to wear while Im doing it too. It literally makes my face glow. But Im going down a one track lane...people need to see me.

Im putting off watching GoT though...Im getting distracted by ebay and LJY and Lynette are to blame.
It's the longest Ive done since the 10k (although Im sure I only got through that race on adrenaline!) so not sure if Ill be walking at the end of it. Ive got myself the brightest, yellow-est t-shirt to wear while Im doing it too. It literally makes my face glow. But Im going down a one track lane...people need to see me.

Im putting off watching GoT though...Im getting distracted by ebay and LJY and Lynette are to blame.

Ah least im not the only one... ive been on ebay for 3 days running! Naughty girls! :lol:

you have to take a pic of the yellow-est t-shirt! :D
hi girlies! :wave: Im here, watching tv with my parents and drinking their wine to celebrate fob daring me to use CSA :cheer:
hi girlies! :wave: Im here, watching tv with my parents and drinking their wine to celebrate fob daring me to use CSA :cheer:

What!!! what have i missed, *goes to read your thread*

:yay: for parents wine though!
Am just reading and iv for big brother in in the back ground xxx

Alright, chicks! We had chinese for dinner and are sitting here watching a fairly old play for today called Blue Remembered Hills.
hi girlies! :wave: Im here, watching tv with my parents and drinking their wine to celebrate fob daring me to use CSA :cheer:

What!!! what have i missed, *goes to read your thread*

:yay: for parents wine though!

lol hes backpedalled now, telling me hes heard its more hassle than its worth. too little too late Im doing it. Plus hes offered me a standing order which in £10 a month less than CSA would give me :confused: its really hard trying to negotiate with a rational person so Im doing the CSA thing, even if I were to get less money, Id rather just never have to discuss money with him again.
hi girlies! :wave: Im here, watching tv with my parents and drinking their wine to celebrate fob daring me to use CSA :cheer:

What!!! what have i missed, *goes to read your thread*

:yay: for parents wine though!

lol hes backpedalled now, telling me hes heard its more hassle than its worth. too little too late Im doing it. Plus hes offered me a standing order which in £10 a month less than CSA would give me :confused: its really hard trying to negotiate with a rational person so Im doing the CSA thing, even if I were to get less money, Id rather just never have to discuss money with him again.

I agree, and at the end of the day you do not owe him any kindness at all.. i would be going down the CSA route if it were me to!
Mum has boy so I'm sitting with a vino watching crap tv with OH. X


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