Free early scans in tyneside


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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Has anybody else heard of this? It's a christian charity based in Tyneside that offers pregnancy support and free scans from 6 weeks. It does say that any information they hold on you can be used for education and training purposes, so I guess that is the catch (as most early scans cost £80+)

I'm not entirely sure how much I would trust them, but could be useful for people who want early reassurance, cant afford a private scan and cant get scanned till 12 weeks on the nhs.

What are your opinions?
Yes I went here with my first it was fab. The woman was lovely. I can't remember anything being mentioned about using my info though, but it is meant for unplanned pregnancies. I was about 7 weeks they couldn't find the heartbeat on the abdominal scan so they done an internal and got to see her little heartbeat :)
I went there with my first too and got a scan at 8 weeks with my son in 2014. I've actually been in contact with them again a few days ago to organise another scan :) I'm going March 4th for a 10 week scan. I haven't officially booked in but they said ring them 19th Feb so it can officially go in the diary.

They were lovely last time and gave me plenty of advice. I did tell them my pregnancy was planned but they do not mind scanning planned pregnancies either as it keeps their staff busy and well trained.
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Ah that's wonderful :) I've never heard of it before and came across it by accident on one of my google rabbitholes. Is it internal scans or ultrasound?
Ultrasounds :) well that's what they did with me. They had a huge screen on the wall too so you have a brilliant view and you get a few scan pictures!
Aww that's fab! I might give them a ring now and see if I can book a scan lol
How far along are you? They told me over the phone you need to be 8 weeks plus for a scan now because of their new machine?

But I would very much recommend them!
Did you go for your scan Angel? I've got mine on Monday. I'll be 6+5. What happened at your appointment, I'll have my 2 year old with me do you think she'll be allowed in the room? xx
I'm getting mine done in March :) but I'm at the early pregnancy clinic tomorrow at the RVI for an assessment as I had suspected ectopic a few days ago. Bloods came back normal, but need to go in tomorrow for caution. Hoping I get a scan there tomorrow too!
Aah sorry I thought you'd said 4th feb. Good luck tomorrow at the RVI, hope everything is okay and they give you a reassurance scan x
Good luck at your scan! I'm sure they won't mind you taking your daughter along.
It went brilliantly :) Saw a little bean with a heartbeat. It's where it should be, I do have a UTI though.

Ahh that's great news, so happy for you! :) at least UTIs are easily treated.

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