Since I ended up having so many scans with my m/c, I learnt quite a lot about what would normally be seen... I know it's a question that comes up quite a lot, so I thought this website might be helpful - it's from a guide for sonographers on first trimester scanning (I originally got the reference from an article in a medical journal). It tallied exactly with the chart my sonographers were using so I feel happy to pass it on, with the proviso (as ever) that individual pregnancies are different, these numbers are averages, that dating can easily be out by a couple of days (even if you ovulated on the same day as another woman with the same LMP, you could have implanted a day or two later - and if you ovulated 4 days later to begin with, then you'll measure almost a week behind based on the same LMP date), etc etc.
So - use with caution, but it may be helpful, at least in curbing expectations from an early scan! ... cannin.htm
So - use with caution, but it may be helpful, at least in curbing expectations from an early scan! ... cannin.htm