freaky baby finger


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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The last two days Ive woke up with my little finger curled up and I had to force it to straighten, its really weird because normally you cant do this without bending the finger next to it as well - am I just a weirdo or can I blame pregnancy for this one too :lol:
Keep an eye on that sweetie it could be the start of carpel tunnel syndrome its common in pregnancy if it gets worse or painful and you feel any pain in the wrist or hand mention it to MW dnt want to worry u its not serious just thought i pass it on its probably nothing :)
hey hun

I think Carpal Tunnel Syndromwe does funny things to your hands and is common in pregnancy....could be this??

Carpal Tunnel shouldnt affect my little finger :think: :think: I hope its not the beginning of a dupetrons contracture - yikes, a wee bit of knowledge is a terrible thing, thank god I never did midwifery :lol:
ella said:
The last two days Ive woke up with my little finger curled up and I had to force it to straighten, its really weird because normally you cant do this without bending the finger next to it as well - am I just a weirdo or can I blame pregnancy for this one too :lol:

i had to bump this up because it happened to me this morning and i immediately thought of you lol
it was really weird :lol: :lol:
I don't know whether this is the same thing but I often wake up in the morning and my little finger on my right hand is completely numb and I also get a tingling in my wrist aswell..It started way before I got pregnant so I don't think mine is related to that. Ask your midwife next time you see her?
poppy160 said:
I don't know whether this is the same thing but I often wake up in the morning and my little finger on my right hand is completely numb and I also get a tingling in my wrist aswell..It started way before I got pregnant so I don't think mine is related to that. Ask your midwife next time you see her?
Seriously, that is carpal tunnel honey. I had it quite badly before I was pregnant and am supposed to wear a splint in bed. I wake up half a dozen times a night with my hands completely numb and when the blood starts flowimg back in to them its really quite painful. I'm gonna have mine done once bub has been born. The extra fluid we have in our bodies whilst we are pregnant makes it worse.

It is made worse if you use your wrist alot (no crude jokes please) but I spend a lot of the day at a keyboard and this doesn't help.

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