Four days can't wait but worried at the same time :s


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Well I have four days to wait to I get to listen to my baby's heartbeat but can't help but worry because I had a scan at 10 weeks and 5 days and my midwife put me as low risk and booked me a scan for 20 weeks in January it's a long wait but in four days I get to listen to heartbeat. Just scared tho and I don't want to say it because I don't want it to happen but I feel pregnant with symptoms etc no pain no nothing but can't help but worry I had a mc at 13 weeks a year and half ago just don't want it to happen again but I'm sure everything is fine I keep feeling butterfly's in my belly and strange feeling not a bad one well I just had to get that off my chest wanted to go private but scared and I was going to buy a Doppler but midwife said not to because it gives of too much energy anyone else had this worry xxxx

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i bought a doppler, midwives use them so they cant be dangerous, they just discourage use of them cos its not easy to find the hb and if your inclined to worry they can panic u more just cos you cant find babys hb. i worry all the time anyway even tho i can feel baby move and i have a doppler so i dont think its gonna go away til baby is wiggling away in my arms.
They did on both my scans but worried about this one mainly because I can't see the baby :s lol but I'm sure it will be fine :) xx

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