Formula Milk. Please tell me i am not the only one!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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When I prepare the bottles, i have found many times some dark bits in the powder. Sometimes i do not spot it and will be seen while i am feeding Thomas. They appear like black/dark brown spots. I have talked to people and nobody seems to have seen any. i used aptamil and cow and gate and have found them in both and in each box i have bought. i am thinking of collecting a few and send it to them what it is. my partner thinks it could be some kind of burnt powder....

Has any of you seen this in their powder?
nope, i haven't. I used farleys and then switched to cow and gate and i'm always checking when i'm scooping it out - haven't noticed anything like that. wonder what it could be! :think:
I've used sma and cow and gate and i've never seen anything in them.
:think: i have used sma and cow and gate, iv never seen this???

let us no if u find out what they are
I used cow and gate when i was in the uk and never saw any , keep us informed
I use cow and gate and i have never seen that before
I use aptimil and have never seen it :shock:

I would send back a box that you find it in and go MAD!! Who knows what it is and you're a new mom how are you supposed to know it's not meant to be in there!?
I had a problem with a carton of cow and gate. i wrote to them and they sent me a prepaid box to send it back, and also sent me £10 in vouchers.
According to cow & gate, nothing :?

But it made Rubie really sick and gave her the tom tits. As soon as i changed her milk she was fine. That was omneo comfort and she is fine on normal cow & gate :D
I used Aptimil, SMA Gold, Farleys, C&G, etc, and didn't see that in any of them sorry hun.

Send it back and complain!!!! :twisted:

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