For the ladies that have jumperoo's.........


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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How long do you let your LO play in it for at one time? Isla is just 12 weeks but is her strong and holds her head up well so I've put her in it and she loves it - just need a book under it as her feet don't quite touch the floor.

Anyway I normally let her have 10-15mins a couple times a day - is this too much? I have heard of babies finding it hard to walk because of being in the jumperoo too much.
Max is 14 weeks today and ive only put him in it once (as its at my mums house-we have no space til we move) and i only kept him in it for 10 mins as he didnt seem overly interested, even though his feet do touch the floor and he bounced a little bit... id say the amount you're doing seems fine until she's a bit older :) xxx
Emily is 18 weeks and we haven't started using it yet as I don't think her head and neck control are quite good enough yet. However, when we do start I think 15 minutes a couple of times a day wil be the limit. :)
Exactly the same as you. E is 13 weeks tall with good head control. Put her yesterday for the first time, 15 mins morning and afternoon and she LOVED it! Bouncing, laughing, reaching etc.
I let kayla go half hour at times cos she lovs it so much she screams blue murder if i take her out while she is having fun and doesnt understand why im doing it, think half hour here and there does no harm personally and kayla at 17 weeks will pull her self up onto her feet if i hold her hands and can stand unaided for 10 seconds so if anything i think it is encouraging her to want to walk

again thats just my opinion hun :) just start off short anyway at that age 5 mins can be exhausting x
I let josh stay in it for 25 mins at a time a couple of times a day. He absolutely loves it. But I think that will go down as he now has a sit in walker and likes to explore the flat lol. Can't turn my back on him for 5 seconds! I though crawling would be my first worry!xx
15 mins twice a day normally in the morning and afternoon . Xxx

Seems like I am ok with what I am doing then! Isla loves it. We got it off a friend for £40 - def the best £40 we have spent!

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