For people who do or have co-slept

I got fed up with that. Everyone seems to think they know best. :wall:

We co-sleep and plan to continue for as long as our little man wants to.

He goes down about 8.30pm in his own cot and comes in with us when he wakes anytime from 10.30pm - 2am.
I haven't quite made up my mind about going back to work, but if I did I would definitely continue co-sleeping as I think it would be a great way to remain close with LO and maximise my time with her.

I love LO waking me up in the mornings with her babbles and strokes (and if either of those work then kicks :rotfl: ).
we started co sleeping at nearly 3 months when we were feeding every hour n a half to two hours :shock: it was the only way that i could cope and i would have been an unfit mummy if id not got the sleep that co sleeping allowed me to get!

I have always felt a little uncomfortable about my OH's habit to pull the covers up high so was quite keen to get LO into his crib which we managed only by giving him his dummy back (after stopping using it at the same time as we started co sleeping) at around 5 months. This gave us a month with him in the crib at the side of the bed until we moved him into his cot in his own room and i wouldnt say any of this was any more difficult than I imagine it might have been had he never experienced co sleeping.

He was having a night feed until about two weeks ago and if very tired id bring him in with us and now I can't wait to see him when OH brings him to me at around 6 or 7am and we snuggle up until about 8 on a normal day or a bit later if its been a 'bad night'.

Stuff the rod, im so glad i co slept and it was really only lack of room and safety because of OH that I was keen to stop - I loved the closeness and opening my eyes to see a little face grinning up at me :)
i think formula feeding parents are advised against co-sleeping because apparently they arnt as aware... i cant see how.. but they are advised not to.. so i would assume that is why they say it.. if you are breastfeeding it is the most natural way for your baby to sleep. you must however do what you want to do.. they baby is yours and you are the parents x
Its not that formula feeding parents are not supposed to co sleep because they are less aware...but that formula feeding increases the risk of SIDs because the babies sleep deeper and current research suggests this can lead to sleep apnea., The closeness of the mother and the smell of milk in a breastfeeding mother, stimulate a breastfed baby into not sleeping so deeply which is why, if general rules are followed (no drinking, smoking, drugs, too many blankets etc.) Co sleeping in breastfed babies can reduce the risk of SIDs.the same is applied if the baby sleeps on their front they sleep deeper, or use a dummy, they sleep lighter due to the sucking, swallowing reflex... and because some one always askes me for some proof for my random waffle.. :roll: :lol: ... S%20Causes
Squiglet said:
Its not that formula feeding parents are not supposed to co sleep because they are less aware...but that formula feeding increases the risk of SIDs because the babies sleep deeper and current research suggests this can lead to sleep apnea., The closeness of the mother and the smell of milk in a breastfeeding mother, stimulate a breastfed baby into not sleeping so deeply which is why, if general rules are followed (no drinking, smoking, drugs, too many blankets etc.) Co sleeping in breastfed babies can reduce the risk of SIDs.the same is applied if the baby sleeps on their front they sleep deeper, or use a dummy, they sleep lighter due to the sucking, swallowing reflex... and because some one always askes me for some proof for my random waffle.. :roll: :lol: ... S%20Causes

That was really useful :hug: Its made me feel better about co-sleeping as a breatfeeding mum and clarified why it helps, thanks!xx
I don't co-sleep my husband wouldn't have it and my MIL is alays going on about how dangerous it is and how she wouldn't be happy if I co-slept with HER grandchild - umm my child my choice, but then she doesn't like the swaddle blanket I use which without she wouldn't sleep happily all night and would be covered in scratches from her over active tired hands! :roll: Although I do have Kara in bed with me for a cuddle in the morning when we both often have a little nap :shhh:

I am not saying this to be someone who tries to tell others what is and isn't best for their child I believe no one can tell you more whats best for your own child then your mothers intuition, I am just answering the question to give another side of the coin. My sister started co-sleeping with my nephew early on as he was quite poorly and it was the only way she could get any sleep, he is and always has been a very clingy child which is probably more to do with his personality then co-sleeping or anything my sister has done but she has had real problems being able to leave him with anyone else, family members couldn't cope with having him whiclst she worked cause he screamed constantly until she returned, one childminder refused to have him when despite lots of short settling in session he would not stop screaming at all until she returned, he is now in a good childminders who persisted with him and being there has helped him no end, my sister works and although my nephew is 13months she hasnt had a good nights since he was born he has her up numerous times in the night so she has recently tried to stop feeding him in the night as she was hoping to stop breast feeding when he turned one, he tries to help himself and screams and shouts scratches and kicks her, shes having a real time of it at the moment and its really getting her down, she has said if she has another baby she will defiantely not co-sleep because of the problems shes had with my nephew. Her partner and her havent shared a bed for the night since my nephew was born as he smokes so cant sleep in the same bed as my nephew so its not doing much for their relationship either!
Like I said im not anti co-sleeping and these problems may or may not have hapened any way regardless of co-sleeping but I think because Kara is breast fed has always slept in a cot and sleeps from 11pm to 6/7am most nights then has a feed and is straight back to bed until 10am my sister looks at that and feels if only she'd done the same she would be getting some sleep, but Kara is a very good baby very happy and laid back and content to amuse herself thats just her personality.

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