For girlies feeling down.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
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A woman goes to her doctor who verifies that she is pregnant. This is her first pregnancy. The doctor asks her if she has any questions.

She replies, "Well, I'm a little worried about the pain. How much will childbirth hurt?"

The doctor answered, "Well, that varies from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy and besides, it's difficult to describe pain."

"I know, but can't you give me some idea?," she asks.

"Grab your upper lip and pull it out a little..."

"Like this?"

"A little more..."

"Like this?"

"No. A little more..."

"Like this?"

"Yes. Does that hurt?"

"A little bit."

"Now stretch it over your head!"






oh the first joke made me laugh :lol: the rest are good too, you really are an angel. :hug:
Are you pregnant? You look awful! - that is me in a nutshell :rotfl:
Q. Am I more likely to get pregnant if my husband wears boxers rather then briefs?
A. Yes, but you'll have an even better chance if he doesn't wear anything at all.

Q. What is the easiest way to figure out exactly when I got pregnant?
A. Have sex once a year.

Q. What is a chastity belt?
A. A labor-saving device.

Q. What is the most common pregnancy craving?
A. For men to be the ones who get pregnant.

Q. What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A. Childbirth.

Q. Should I have a baby after 35?
A. No, 35 children is enough.

Q. How will I know if my vomiting is morning sickness or the flu?
A. If it's the flu, you'll get better.

Q. Does pregnancy affect a woman's memory?
A. I don't remember.

Q. Since I became pregnant, my breasts, rear end, and even my feet
have grown. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy?
A. Yes, your bladder.

Q. My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's
borderline irrational.
A. So what's your question?

Q. What's the difference between a nine-months pregnant woman and a
Playboy centerfold?
A. Nothing, if the pregnant woman's husband knows what's good for him.

Q. How do I know if my baby has dropped?
A. He/She will start crying. Be more careful!

Q. How long is the average woman in labor?
A. Whatever she says, divided by two.

Q. Does labor cause hemorrhoids?
A. Labor causes anything you want to blame it for.

Q. How does one sanitize nipples?
A. Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. It beats boiling them in a saucepan.

Q. What are the terrible twos?
A. Your breasts after baby stops nursing cold turkey.

Q. Can a mother get pregnant while nursing?
A. Yes, but it's much easier if she removes the baby from her breast and puts him to sleep first.

Q. What happens to disposable diapers after they're thrown away?
A. They are stored in a silo in the midwest, in the event of global chemical warfare.

Q. Do I have to have a baby shower?
A. Not if your change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q. What is colic?
A. A reminder for new parents to use birth control.

Q. What are night terrors?
A. Frightening episodes in which the new mother dreams she's pregnant again.

Q. Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and
act normal again?
A. When the kids are in college.

Congratulations Enjoy Your Pregnancy
babyblonde said:
Are you pregnant? You look awful! - that is me in a nutshell :rotfl:
same here, look awful when i am not pregnant, by the way you look gorgeous, the pic of you on new years eve that you posted, you look amazing!
great jokes babyblonde, i am laughing and crying at the same time, man i am a wreck! :lol:
louears said:
babyblonde said:
Are you pregnant? You look awful! - that is me in a nutshell :rotfl:
same here, look awful when i am not pregnant, by the way you look gorgeous, the pic of you on new years eve that you posted, you look amazing!

You are either blind or crazy :rotfl:
babyblonde said:
louears said:
babyblonde said:
Are you pregnant? You look awful! - that is me in a nutshell :rotfl:
same here, look awful when i am not pregnant, by the way you look gorgeous, the pic of you on new years eve that you posted, you look amazing!

You are either blind or crazy :rotfl:
i am totally mental, but you really do look lovely

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