Foods to avoid


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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question about items containing peanuts... i am so confused...
a lot of things you buy have the words "May contain traces of nuts" and "not guaranteed nut free".... are these ok to eat... I went to get a salad frm my local supermarket the other day (the fresh kind u make up yourself while u are there).. and its said "may contain traces of nuts".... surely if u just choose like coleslaw and potato salad... they are nut free??? also things like some biscuits don't gurantee they are nut free due to other biscuits containing nuts being made at the same factory..... i don't know what is safe and what is not???
I cant that being a problem hun, I think its just eating lots of nuts incase of a nut allergy in baby. I've cheated a couple of times as I keep really craving snickers and cant resist :oops:
It's only peanuts and it's not proven - there are alternative studies which suggest the opposite. ... ns&faq=242

Seems that some studies have suggested that if there is a history of allergies in the family then it might be worth avoiding them, but it's not conclusive. And just a few is fine. So you don't need to avoid foods which have peanuts in them, or might have come into contact with peanuts in manufacturing. :cheer:
Thanx.. thats good news.. i ate a double decker today... and forgot to read the packet.. felt guilty after.. now i know i don't to :)
roll on not being told what I can and can't do... :shakehead:

the number of people who on first hearing that I'm pg immediately come out with something like "Ooh, you can't eat pate you know"

what, really? News to me after 4 months... :wink:
Yeah thats really annoying isnt it haha like u dont already know that :lol:
i eat peanut better at last once a week.., i id with charlotte and shes ok. thres no direct link of alergies in eithr family either.
My sister in law ate peanut butter every day when she was pregnant with my nephew - he has just been diagnosed with a nut allergy at 2.
I am avoiding peanuts but not reading labels, dont understand how eating any other nuts is fine though, he is allergic to all nuts now :?
Gruntie2 said:
Thanx.. thats good news.. i ate a double decker today... and forgot to read the packet.. felt guilty after.. now i know i don't to :)

:eek: you got me wanting a double decker now :lol:
have to watch what u eat tho like mayonaise. think coleslaw and pot salad is ok
enn said:
have to watch what u eat tho like mayonaise. think coleslaw and pot salad is ok

Mayonaise is only a problem if it's home made, since that uses raw eggs. Shop-bought mayo is fine since the eggs are pasteurised.

As others have said, the nut thing is only a problem if there's a history of allergy in the family. Otherwise, they are very good for you in moderation.
I was told a 'history of allergy' includes any history of - asthma, hay fever, excema and all allergies - is this correct?
that is what i was told also..... we have history of hayfever.. but my husband is adopted and we don't his family background so i am just playing it safe anyway
ella said:
I was told a 'history of allergy' includes any history of - asthma, hay fever, excema and all allergies - is this correct?

I was told this too and as I have hayfever and excema I am trying to avoid obvious peanut things like peanut butter and snickers (although all I have wanted is peanut butter on toast for about 5 months!) but I am not going crazy and reading every label on everything I come into contact with, I can't live like that :roll:

I think if I didn't have hayfever or excema then I wouldn't be so worried so I think in moderation most things are fine.

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