

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Ok I have no cravings, no sickness but also no appetite! It's not that I don't get hungry, I do. But by the time I've considered everything in the kitchen, nothing appeals and the urge to eat has gone!

So does anyone have any interesting or unusual meal/snack ideas. x
I really empathise with the 'not really fancying anything even though I'm hungry' feeling... yesterday I spent ages wandering round the supermarket trying deperately to find something that appealed. Picked something, but by the time I got it home and cooked it, didn't fancy it anymore!

I have been eating things I would never have contemplated before - and lots more pre-prepared things as the whole process of preparing and cooking a meal these days puts me off actually eating it! I used to love spending hours in the kitchen preparing some nice feast - but now I just bund a ready meal in the microwave or do some cheese on toast! I feel so lazy these days!
I really empathise with the 'not really fancying anything even though I'm hungry' feeling... yesterday I spent ages wandering round the supermarket trying deperately to find something that appealed. Picked something, but by the time I got it home and cooked it, didn't fancy it anymore!

I have been eating things I would never have contemplated before - and lots more pre-prepared things as the whole process of preparing and cooking a meal these days puts me off actually eating it! I used to love spending hours in the kitchen preparing some nice feast - but now I just bund a ready meal in the microwave or do some cheese on toast! I feel so lazy these days!

Lol! I went to asda the other day, and normally I can fill the trolley full of yummy things. I came away with nothing!
I've been doing the ready meals as well, just so that I'm eating something. !
A ready meal is better than nothing - plus has the bonus of saving on the washing up! Enjoy! :)
I have to say the whole food issue is driving me a bit nuts! I'm trying to avoid foods that have any E numbers in and sweetener! Aswell as choosing foods that say no added preservatives and stuff like that!! But ten I seen my gave ricecakes have MSG stiff in it. So it seems everything has some kinda chemical in it! Tonight I'm having baked potato with beans and cheese, normal cheese is fine right? Just eating farmfoods matured cheese!

Snack wise I've been eating pre packed fruit and normal fruit, dry biscuits and very naughty of me... Crisps. I'm trying not to eat them but it's hard!!

It's so hard to kno if I'm making a an error by eating something or doin something!!

I had pasta bake last night and it was.... Lush!!!!
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I have to say the whole food issue is driving me a bit nuts! I'm trying to avoid foods that have any E numbers in and sweetener! Aswell as choosing foods that say no added preservatives and stuff like that!! But ten I seen my gave ricecakes have MSG stiff in it. So it seems everything has some kinda chemical in it! Tonight I'm having baked potato with beans and cheese, normal cheese is fine right? Just eating farmfoods matured cheese!

Snack wise I've been eating pre packed fruit and normal fruit, dry biscuits and very naughty of me... Crisps. I'm trying not to eat them but it's hard!!

It's so hard to kno if I'm making a an error by eating something or doin something!!

I had pasta bake last night and it was.... Lush!!!!

Having had my first child 16 years ago and seeing how different the rules are now I just go on the side of common sense when it comes to food.
I don't eat pink meat or raw eggs or soft cheese. However i do like the occasional soft boiled egg.
It's everything in moderation. After all the mothers body filters out the rubbish and only gives the good stuff to the baby.
Most foods are absolutely fine - the main ones to avoid are raw / undercooked eggs (and things that contain them like home-made mayo and ice cream), and some meat like liver paté. Oh - and a whole list of yummy cheeses, such as mould-ripened ones. Normal hard cheeses like cheddar are absolutely fine - and will help boost your calcium levels!

It's so hard to avoid all the additives / preservatives and artificial sweeteners, but I'm sure everything in moderation will not do the little one too much harm. I think you just have to go with your body feels like to a certain extent. I have been eating so much more 'junk' food and fattening stuff these last few weeks, but I think maybe it's because I am underweight and my body is saying 'fatten up a bit so you'll be better able to carry this little baby!' - that's my excuse anyway! :) Just listen to your body and what it is wanting, and so long as the food isn't on the 'dangerous' list, and you eat in moderation, relax and enjoy!

Good luck!
I didn't know that about the filtering how great is that! Think I will just carry on as normal
Minus the prawns n pate!! What will I do for Xmas dinner haha!!

Was thinking of batch making some foods to save on time
N money! Anyone got any ideas? I think I'll do some lil apple muffins to start with and bolognase sauce! Xx
I didn't know that about the filtering how great is that! Think I will just carry on as normal
Minus the prawns n pate!! What will I do for Xmas dinner haha!!

Was thinking of batch making some foods to save on time
N money! Anyone got any ideas? I think I'll do some lil apple muffins to start with and bolognase sauce! Xx

I used to batch cook all the time. Put things in single portions so that meal times were quick and easy!
Curry, chilli, sweet and sour, meat gravy, cookie dough, pie fillings... the list is endless! Google meals that you can freeze for more inspiration!
Im exactly the same!!! a few days ago I was craving pickled eggs, but now i dont even want those! anything with flavour makes me feel ill haha, but when i get hungry my sickness gets bad :( i have been living off of water, watery heap flavourless soup, plain pasta and jacket potatoes. I cant wait to get some appetite back! my book says to snack on ginger biscuits, as ginger is known to help with early pregnancy symptoms apparently. i'll be trying this when i get to the shops next, i hope it works :D x x x
I batch cook some mince in a chilli or bolognase sauce and then freeze it in portions to make tacos, chilli and spag bol, easy.
Anyone got an example weekly menu of what they are eating including snacks?? Xx

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