Folic Acid/B9


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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When I went to the doc before coming off the pill he prescribed me 300micrograms (0.3mg) tablets of folic acid. I have read pretty much everywhere that 300 is the 'normal' dose (unless you're high risk etc etc). But then I read somewhere ( it's 400 now! Which is it?

I am also a dunce and can never remember by evening if I have taken my pill in the morning. So it's possible I double dose some days.

Is it a problem? Will it harm me or any potential embryos if I have 600micrograms instead of the usual 300/400?
Might seem a really stupid question but I just wanted to make sure...
I haven't a clue hun. But try to take only one. Do you have a mobile phone you could set the alarm on it to remind you to take it. (mines set at 6pm when I'm doing dinner coz I kept forgetting :oops: )
oooh - the mobile phone reminder is a good idea! I too keep forgetting whether I've taken it or not! As far as I know, the recommended amount for women ttc is 400mg - that's what it says on all the pregnacare boxes which I've been using, and the nurse at my GP's office said the same.

Good luck!
I've been taking 400 too. I think we can all forget sometime but I'm going to try the mobile alarm, that such a good idea, thanks Donna's here :D
I'm using one of the pregnacare with fish oil, its quite good cause it has the days of the week on it so I know were i'm up to. I usually take it in the morning, & hubby checks in the evening in case I forgot! So I find the day on the pack really helps, without it I'd be OD'in too (total scatter brain here!) :doh:

Oh & pregnacare are 3 for 2 in boots at the mo, I stocked up again yesterday x
Recommended dosage is now 400mg, definitely, but it won't do any harm to take more than that, either.
Thanks guys. I know that for women who are at high risk the dosage is much higher (can't remember the number but it's in the grams rather than the micrograms) so I hoped it wouldn't do me any harm.

I will definitely start jotting it on the calendar or something when I wake up. Phones are useless as I only use mine when I go out and don't know where it is half the time (ditsy I know :oops:).

MrsU oh how I wish I could pop into Boots but I'm in Asia for the next 2 years sadly... Plus they charge 6.50GBP (Don't have a pound symbol on this keyboard sorry) for postage to a BFPO address. The swines!
The dirty rats!! BFPO's are FREE :evil:
Shout out if your ever stuck & need anything posting over (i'm use to it, I had an ex of 6yrs who was in the marines & loved wiskey, use to put on that it was bubble bath! :lol: )
Not all BFPOs are free. Only places like Op Telic etc etc We are just the normal postage rates to London. Which is annoying as I qualified for the free delivery on my last Boots order and all they have to do is deliver it to London but they still charged me 6.50!! the sods.

When Mr B was away I would send him those mini bottles of whiskey/wine etc and say it was bubble bath as one time I told the truth and they smashed open the box, soaking everything else in the package! Gits.

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