you could well be feeling your baby move, with my last one (4th baby) i felt flutterings very early too & by 16 weeks i could actualy see my tummy moving & my hubby could feel it too
Ive since done a google search on it 2 c as i felt silly. I have found that many ppl have felt the flutters at 10 weeks and even less so im now thinking mayb i did but ive not felt anything since so stil not sure. Im sure i wil get the proper kicks etc before 2 long so wil just have 2 be patient and wait! X
yesterday i felt something, i know it wasn't wind for sure, it was kind of a fluttering feeling, and untill i have my scan i am not sure how far along i am, i could be 16 weeks ish. and the last few nights in bed i have felt something, kind of like i have a fish swishing around in my tummy, dunno if thats baby or not, just checked and all my goldfish are still in the bowl
i was going to post as i have been feeling odd flutters here and there since 12 weeks. like the bubbles popping inside only happened twice but definitely felt something!
Well im glad im not the only 1! Ive been feeling them again tonight so am now sure its proper flutters. Its so exciting. I cant wait 2 feel proper kicks x
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