Fluid seen in stomach of my unborn baby UPDATE 14/01/10

I'm glad you are being well looked after and informed. Hope your second set of tests come back clear too xx Stay positive sounds like good news.
Hi wanted some advice again please if possible. I went back to uclh hospital yesterday and saw another consultants and she said that the white area on the bowel looks brighter but the fluid amount in the stomach appears to look the same. She said that she thinks that the baby has meconium peritonitis due to bowel perforation but is not 100% sure as they have not established the course of this problem. She said that she does not think things looks good for the baby and that it most likely would not make it and that i would still have to go into labour and give birth but that they would stop the baby's heartbeat beforehand. When she told me that i was so shocked at the lead consultant last week was so optimist. What i wanted to know that baby's who have been diagnosed with meconium peritonitis do they have a high mortality rate and is right for them to stop the baby's heartbeat without 100% knowing for sure that my baby has meconium peritonitis

thanks in advance
oh hun Im so sorry, I cant imagine what you are going through. I dont know anything about this condition but I do know that YOU get to decide whatever happens. You need to get as much info as possible then you make a decision, dont let a doctor hurry you into their decision, you need to know that whatever you do is the right thing for you and your baby. Have they told you what happens next? do you have a follow up appointment booked?x
I have no idea hun. I'm going to PM you with a place that might be able to help :hug:
just wanted to add - I just looked the condition up in wikipedia;

"Despite the bowel rupture, many infants born after meconium peritonitis in utero have normal bowels and have no further issues."

There isnt a lot of info on there to be honest, but it all looks quite positive. If I were you Id ask for an appointment with a specialist and take a list of questions with you.
Hope you get the answers you need and everything turns out well - thinking of you x
I dont know anything about the condition im afraid. Hope everything is ok xxxxx

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