Fluid on the kidney...


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2012
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I feel lucky that I get ANOTHER scan (will be my 4th!!) on Thursday but equally wish I didn't need one. At the anomally scan, the sonographer picked up fluid on one of my baby's kidneys. He assured me that usually around 30 weeks it's sorted itself out. At my last scan (28 weeks, growth scan for gestational diabetes) the sono picked up that there was still fluid present so I'm not holding much hope for this scan.

Has anyone elses LOs had fluid on their kidneys?x
I'm sorry I don't have any knowledge on the kidneys but I was told LO had a cyst on this brain which could indicate Downs so I panicked and thought the worse but now he's here he's just perfect!
Did they tell u what it could mean if baby does have fluid on the kidney?
Sending you positive thoughts, I'm sure it'll all be ok and rectify in a few weeks.
It would just mean that she would spend the first year of her life on antibiotics....I guess its not the end of the world :) She has just over 10 weeks to get it sorted in there!!! Bless her :)

Hope motherhood is treating you well xx
my lo had fluid in the kidney at the 20 week scan but it had went away by the time i got my 3rd or 4th growth scan (about 34 weeks) but the midwife said if it hadnt of went away by the time she was born then she would have a course of anti biotics to sort it out and it was nothing to worry about it usually sorts its self out

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