flooding in grimsby!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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i couldnt believe my eyes when we got up this morning..

my garden along with the passage to the side of us is 3ft under water.. water is getting into my shed which stands at 1 1/2 ft off the ground, and i have electrics in there, so i hope it doesnt get any worse, ive lifted the plugs up as high as i can..

just got bck from taking bradley to nursery and half the roads are closed due to flooding...

i wish it would stop raining now, our grimsby drains cant handle it all..

god help us if it does carry on, anyone else have flooding in there area!
well its finally stopped raining.. spent half an hour trying to sweep away all the water,

still waiting for anglain water to come out to sort the majority of the problem though.. wonder if they will arrive.. :think:
omg sounds drastic, sorry to hear that. Luckily it looks a bit sunnier and dryer now :)
aww thats awful hun.,.. we had really bad rain last week when you lot had the sunshine... seems to have switched over now.

Hope the rain stays off! :pray:
rained again here! Hope your plugs etc are ok.
Its raining super bad in swindon
I live on practially a building site

and eariler i looked out the window 2 see all the builders running around like pansys


once wen i 1st moved it there was a thunderstorm early after noon i looked out my window and there was an almighty crack and lightning came down on the scaffolding and nearly knocked a bulider off id seen lightning like that in america before but not here and not 10 yards away
omg 3ft of water :shock:

has your house not flooded? thats like more than half the height of me!

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