first timers, or anyone who was overdue

Maia arrived 2 days late, but my waters broke the morning after she was due!
Ruby is my first, was taken in and induced 11 days late, but induction failed so didnt have her until day 12 over due by c section.

It was the LONGEST 12 days ever I can tell you!!! :roll:
my bf was 2weeks early according to his mum and his bro .

my baby is 3days overdue now.
Actually I went into labour 2 weeks early with fred cause My ex's car crashed on to the way to his parents that triggered labour.
But I was at high risk of premature labour anyway.

In my family boys tend to be early and girls late.
My daughter who was my first was 11 days late but Rowan arrived bang on my due date thanks to 3 sweeps. (My doctors wanted to make sure he arrived sooner rather than later as I have difficulty delivering big babies)
Owen was 9 days late but went into labour naturally thankfully! :D
i was 9 days overdue with first and induced but for medical reasons.

I was 11 days over with my first and had to be induced
My first baby was induced at 14 days overdue and arrived at 18 days over.

This is my second baby and I'm already 8 days overdue.
I had to be induced a week early due to complications in my blood
I was induced at 36 weeks after my waters broke at 35+6, so 4 weeks early. No reason for it either!
I was 12 days over then induced and he arrived by c section 14 days overdue.

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