2nd Baby born sooner?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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With Ellie I was 5 days overdue officially (though my scan date put me due 2 days sooner, but as it was within a week they didn't change my official due date). So I still felt I was 7 days over due. MW commented that the amount of breakdown(? is that the right term) on the placenta put me at more like a full week overdue as well.

My question is that are you likely to give birth sooner with your second?

Thanks very much
I gave birth to James at 38 weeks, so I was convinced Logan would be early too.

He was 5 days overdue in the end! :doh:
Nathan was born at 35 weeks and Kieran was born at 39 weeks.
i cant answer this for another 32 weeks! i am interested to know this too; my mum had me (her first) on her due date and my lil sis one week early
both born at the same stage (37 + 2). infact both born on the 5th of the month, lewis 9 hours earlier in the day than alice.... but i was induced both times so i didn't vote.
a month early!

but... im still in 'debate' with this, cos i KNOW i couldnt have got pregnant when i was told i did. So by my own dates she was more or less on time... by the midwife, she was a month early.

(also i take on account that my body had deffinatly not recoverd after my first (theres only 10 months between my girls) - so i also think that may have been the reason, if she was early.
My first was exactly a week overdue, and my second only 2 days overdue, so theory works for me! lol x :D

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