first time pregnancy...


New Member
Oct 8, 2010
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Hi all

I have just signed up to this site.. Hope you are all well..:)

OK... i found out 2 weeks ago i was pregnant as i was having pains so went along to the clinic and they confirmed i was and i also done 2 tests at home which were positive,

They told me to make a appointment with the midwife so i did and when i got there they said i had to see the doctor so waste of time..

This is my first pregnancy and i do not have a clue what i am doing! No one is helping me i have phoned doctors and receptionist is useless keeps telling me to call back.. and they have no appointments for 3 weeks

I really do not know what to do lol...

My last period was 5th august 2010.. I do not have any symptoms at all.. my boobs were very sore a few weeks ago.. i have not felt sick.. I just cant seem to get any sense out of anybody.. all i would like to know is..
What do i do as in who can i speak to as no one seems to be helpful..
I am worried i have no symptoms.. should i be?

sorry if i have rambled on and this does not make sense but i am sooooo confused LOL..

thanks all.. xxxxx
Hi hun - welcome and congratulations!

It varies in different places but I had to get a doctors appointment first and then I was given a pack to contact my midwife. I had my doctors appointment at about 6 weeks. Then I had my midwife booking in appointment at about 9 weeks (here they like to do it between 8-10 weeks).

If your last period was 5th August 2010 then you would be about 10 weeks now.

Don't worry about lack of symptoms - some people have lots and others have none.

I think if I was you I would ring your doctors again and ask them to confirm their procedures. If you have to see your GP before you can get your midwife's appointment, then tell them you are about 10 weeks and you need an appointment urgently so that you can see your midwife as soon as possible and get booked in for your 12 week scan. Just be insistent hun and don't let them fob you off. They might agree to just let you ring the midwife direct if you have already been to a clinic and had your pregnancy confirmed.

Just stand your ground hun - good luck x
Hi and welcome! congratsulations! so that would make you around 9 weeks pregnant. i cant believe how unhelpful your doctors are being. you should call back and really try to make an appointment as they need to refer you to a hospital. I went to the docs when i was just over 4 weeks and they asked me what hospital i wanted go to and then they write a referral letter. Yesterday i got two letters from the hospital, one with my first midwife appointment where they take blood and medical history, its at the end of October, i'll be around 10 weeks by then. The second letter was for my 12 week scan on Novemeber 11th. So you are a few weeks ahead of me so really your gp needs to refer you soon.

I think its quite normal not to have symptoms. unfortunately i have been feeling really sick for the past 3 weeks and i cant stand it anymore!

hope you manage to get an appointment soon and get it all sorted! x
look on the net for due date i just looked for you and it said you are about 9 weeks pregnant due in may.
Cant you phone doctors every morning for appointment thats how it works here, we have to ring at 8am in the morning if we want an appointment thats what I did then the doctor gave me a letter to phone hospital to make an appointment to book in and get scan and see a midwife, it seems different in different areas though
hi ya

thank you for your comments..
yes i ring 8am and also and 1pm but nothing.. i think it is best if i change my doctors maybe.
they are a nightmare.. i thought they would be so much more helpful..

thank you x
I would definately change doctors then if its the same as mine and they say they are booked up for 3 weeks thats wrong. in my doctors if you cant ge an appointment thtday and you cant get a cancellation in the afternoon they will put your name on reserve list for next day.
Sounds like you're around as far along as me - my last period was 9th Aug so I'm 8.5 weeks, due in mid May, and it's my first pregnancy too.

Your doctors surgery sounds terrible - if they can't do you an emergency appointment I'd definately consider changing, not just because of this but if further down the pregnancy you need to see a doctor for any reason you dont want to have to wait 3 weeks for the pleasure! I had my first midwife apppointment yesterday and there were loads of forms for us to go through and blood tests to do before the 12 week scan so they need to get their finger out and get you refered!

You're also really lucky to have no symptoms, my best mate was the same with her pregnancy (which was perfectly fine and healthy) and couldnt understand why people fussed over her so much when she felt fine! As for me, I feel constantly sick, tired and have developed a lactose intolerance so am really jealous of all the symptom-free ladies out there.

Good luck, I hope you get sorted soon.
I'm new to here too! Your GP Surgery is useless, I'd consider changing or actually go in personally and book an appointment that way they will have to make you a decent appointment. Congratulations on your pregnancy. This is also my first. I think most women on their first don't really know what to do, I think it's normal. Just read lots of books and research on the net! Good luck with the appointment!

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