First time mummys


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Having been so surprised at getting pregnant I obviously wasn't prepared at all. Emotionally, physically nor financially. So whilst cleaning the rug and now bouncing on my ball I am thinking about what I've learnt for baby number 2 if we are ever blessed again.

I think what I've learnt is the following......

To always try and have savings put by
It's ok to not enjoy being pregnant
To appreciate my OH more in simple things like just getting me a drink
To get my cysts sorted if I can (got to have surgery at some point :( )

I'm sure there's a lot more but Albert has hiccups and I can't concentrate lol xxxxxxxxx
Totally agree on the savings thing, i began saving as soon as i found out that i was pregnant but prior to that i just used to spend what i had. Having spent barely anything on myself in the last 8 months and penny pinching to the max, i now wish i'd been doing it for years! I would be rich! But yeah, babies are very expensive and it's always good to have money put away for a rainy day xx

I agree with all of those but on the money front I also think that, if you take too long saving money, you would never have a baby because how much is enough :)
i am not a 1st time mummy but a 3rd time mommy, and agree with all these things although you will learn a lot more on the does and donts after baby has been born!!

i so learnt my lesson after my 1st child considering he didnt sleep through til he was 3 n half,

no rocking baby to sleep
no holding while asleep
put baby down while awake
no cuddles in mommies bed
let him cry, it wont hurt him for a little while

i learnt the hard way, but made it so much easier 2nd time around :) xx
Im sure i can name a few things if i were to do all this again xxx

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