First Steps, feet turned out?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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My boy is still miles away from actually walking on his own, I wouldnt care except he weighs 27lb and my arms and neck are killing me! :roll:
Back to the point, if you put him dowm on his feet or he pulls himself up and cruises furniture his feet face forwards, but on his walker he almost deliberatly(sp!) turns them right out to the side and waddles! He has been doing this for about 2 months, is this normal? Thanks ladies!
My daughter walked with her feet turned outwards when she started walking. She was only 9 months and as club foot runs in the family I was concerned. The docs sent her for x-rays as they worried she was too young for walking and with the club foot wondered whether she had it. X-rays all came back fine and they said that some babies turn their feet out for balance when they start walking. Sophia is nearly 7 now and walks with her feet pointing forward.

If you are concerned hun, I'd ask doc or HV their opinion, but sure all will be fine!! :hug:
thanks hun,

its just so pronounced, like he looks down, sets them at that angle then walks, and my MIL noticed and pointed it out. I will ask when I get him weighed next week. I dont think he will be walking for another few months. Why walk when you can crawl at the speed of sound!
I know, my son was stuck at the crawling stage for ages, don't think he really saw the point in walking when he could get places on all fours!!

If he's looking down at his feet before he turns his feet I'd say he's purposely moving them for balance. Good Luck with HV!!
yeah kiara walked with her feet pointing out and ''waddled'' to begin with soulem says i think its a balance thing,shes certainly ok now :hug:

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