First Response?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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Has anyone ever used these tests, you know the ones that you can use up to 4 days before your Period is due, are they any good?

The suspense is killing me, AF is due Thursday, only I wont have a chance to test then cause I will be at work, and on Friday we have a family outing at the zoo, so if it is negative I dont want to be in a bad mood and spoil what will be a fun day.
I'd personally go with Clearblue, I'm not too fond of these tests :D
i got a positive on my last pregnancy with first response early test 3 days before af was due good luck cat hun xxxxxxxx
I got BFN's with First Response, so went out and got hammered on New Years Eve, then took a Boots own brand one New Years Day, and it was immediately BFP! :shock: I cried soooo many guilt tears!

BTW, AF had actually been due on 30th December. :?
I usually go with clear blue too, but first response is also a top brand
SO mildly faint on a first response for me an one that 'disappeared' :lol:
I got a +++++ on first response day after period was due, good luck hun
Well, I tested this afternoon and got a BFN :( :( :(
Im gutted cause for some stupid reason I felt really optimistic about this month, so I have commiserated by cooking myself gingerbread men and buying some trashy celeb mags to read.

I know its silly to get upset at such things especially when there are those of you who have been TTC for ages, its just hard not to get your hopes up sometimes, especially when Im anxious to time things around my studies, I only have a small window of time when it will be practicle to have a child without things being very akward with working and studying. :(
I know what you mean ~ Sending a HUG & lot's of baby dust! x

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