First pregnancy..... Feelings


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2015
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Yesterday I got my first ever bfp.
For as long as I can remember I never wanted kids but 18 months ago I came off the pill due to personal reasons and my whole out look on life changed. Married my partner of nearly 10 years this year and decided we would try for a baby. We have been actively trying for 4 months and every time I got bfn I was gutted but now I've got a bfp I feel totally confused! Like im not sure this is what I wanted, scared, nervous! I feel ashamed I feel like this but I can't help it. I've nothing to compare it to. Has anyone felt like this? A planned pregnancy but still feel a little weird about it
I'd say that's totally normal Hun, it's like a fear of how life will change and things you won't be able to do any more. But Honestly once they're here you won't think about what you can't do rather all the amazing new experiences...first smiles, teeth, steps etc! It's wonderful watching them grow and thinking "I made this!"

I had a slight panic when I got my bfp with no2 recently, how will I cope with 2, will I have enough love to go round, will DD1 adjust ok to having a sibling!? But I've calmed down now, it'll all be fine, people do it and it's ok!

I think hormones have a lot to answer for too! Xx
I agree with Pun Badge. It's hormones! I came off the pill 1st June expecting to get pregnant in about a year. However I caught in July. I couldn't believe it. Felt like I wasn't ready. Then felt guilty as I know some people have major trouble ttc. Now I'm only 8 weeks but I'm over the moon. So excited. My oh is super excited too. I keep wobbling but I know it's hormones. I'm sure it's normal, especially in your case where you've always thought you wouldn't have one. Xx
It is one of the biggest things that will ever happen to you so it would be weird if you didn't have the odd wobble. OH and I have been trying for 4 years but I still have the occasional over dramatic moment of wondering what on earth we have done!! We had a very nice plan B for the future worked out if we had to accept that we wouldn't have kids so sometimes I feel sad that plan B won't happen. But then I remember plan A (have kids!!) was what we wanted all along. You should also never underestimate hormones, I had a meltdown on Friday night because on top of having a hard day at work I couldn't decide what to have for dinner and that just sent me over the edge lol :-) OH had to pack me off to bed with a cup of tea and dry ryvita until he could make me dinner, bless him.

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