First midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
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...was fairly mundane really. Was kept waiting for 30 minutes because they were caught up with one lady (which is fine I understand and hope she is okay!). Asked lots of questions about health and have been referred to dietician (meh to be overweight! Went swimming twice last week, gym twice and martial arts, never mind) and anaesthatist because I broke my vertebre a few years ago so need to see if I can have an epidural should I want one. They also stole lots of blood but seemed to have less issue then normal getting it - normal they end up trying to get blood out of my feet but this time just a swift arm one :) yay nuchal scan is at the end of January - where I get to see baby for first time, then again mid March.
On the getting blood out thing, I used to have trouble with them getting blood out, until one MW told me why. Apparently I have very fine veins, and if they use those suction needle thingys, it can touch the back of the vein and cause it to close up and then they can't get any blood from there. If they use a normal needle and syringe, it is fine. After she told me that, I requested they do that every time, and didn't have any more problems.
Not sure what they did as I looked away :) but hopefully will see the same woman again.

I made sure I explained the normal problems I had and I think that helped :D
Not long until your scan then?
I'm glad there was no drama over getting blood. They normally struggle with me too, I freak if they start talking about trying my feet, i hate my feet being touched lol :oops:
My first scan is on the 27th January, gosh it feels far away.... :D Theoretically I will be 13 weeks pregnant! Wow! I still don't believe I am pregnant. That scan will be the nuchal scan and I think they throw in some dating for good measure.

Sounds like we have the same blood problem - oh for want of bigger veins! They will steal more blood on the 13th as part of the Nuchal scan, but perhaps I will be big and brave at the end of this pregnancy and even donate blood (LOL doubt it!)
It does - though thankfully they have never had to resort to my feet, both arms and then my hands before finally getting enough, but not onto the feet. After the midwife told me that, I requested they do it with the syringe after that and haven't had a problem since.

Good luck at your scan I am waiting for my first MW appointment. I am also overweight (haven't managed to lose the weight from my first pregnancy), so I want to ask about diets etc to try and not put any excess weight on this time.

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